My family has since moved from TX to CA.
Nearby gasoline Regular varies from $5.86 - $6.49 /gal.
Step into a zone of conflict and what would you expect…
SOURCE : reporters and cameramen are out filming and reporting on US military manuevers!
Don’t they know they’d be safer with the Iraqi Resistance Movement members?
Everybody knows Americans cannot hit what they shoot at.
I think that the press should’ve notified the US Prison ahead of time… especially right after a motar attack :-?
US Prison? What does that have to do there?
Excuse me, US-Run.
oh, this is just the US military being embarrassed about the job they’re doing in Iraq and tired of reporters reporting it.
This should learn those pesky reporters. -
LOL. You would’ve thought they’d learn the first time when our tanks shot their hotel in Baghdad! :P
Short attention span…
Goes along with readers’ focus on
the reporters’/cameramens’ drivel.