@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
The FAQ Thread
I’m still scratching my head a little on the role those UK surface ships are playing in the MAP battle
Think of it this way, there isnt a MAP battle and a normal battle that occurs in the zone; There is one single battle where 2 units (MAP and Destroyer) can hit submarines, and all other units that attack normally.
@insanehoshi Thank you, that definitely simplifies the scenario. But - at the risk of coming across extremely pedantic - in this case what are those other units actually attacking besides what’s for all purposes an empty SZ since they cannot engage those subs? Can ships attack what is effectively an empty SZ?
If the UK says the combat action those ships are performing is a naval blockade, the rules prohibit scrambling aircraft from participating in more than one battle, if I understand correctly (at least, they can’t both scramble and defend their originating landzone). So in this case they could seemingly choose to scramble either against the MAP attack or the naval blockade, but not both?
Forgive me I may be completely off the mark on some or all of this!
And my apologies guys if I come across argumentative, just mentally torn on what the rules allow here. Plus it feels extra frustrating in a solo game to position my German subs forward just to find out on my UK turn that I’ve likely only fed those subs to the lion! LOL
in this case what are those other ships actually attacking besides what’s for all purposes an empty SZ since they cannot engage those subs?
I assume they are there detering the other aircraft from scrambling.
Can ships attack what is effectively an empty SZ?
Yes, because the defender can always decide to not submerge his sub and fight as normal.
So in this case they could seemingly choose to scramble either against the MAP attack or the naval blockade, but not both?
A blockade isnt a battle, despite it being a combat move. Plus the aircraft need a defending unit to scramble to which establishing a blockade does not have by definition.
And my apologies guys if I come across argumentative, just mentally torn on what the rules allow here
None Needed!
Any time a sub ends a turn next to a zone with an aircraft, its in danger; thats part of the whole game within a game that is submarine hunting.
@insanehoshi Ah, these are all very good points. Especially regarding the need for a defending unit to allow scrambling. Thank you, I’ll take this as a rested case.
@insanehoshi InsaneHoshi is the best! He’s much better at explaining than I am! :smile:
@plasticknight It may make more sense to you if you rethink one part. The UK navy CAN attack the subs. The difference is the subs MAY submerge before the UK navy gets to fire. So, they aren’t moving into an empty zone, or doing a non-combat move. They are attacking…just likely to fail in their attack, as the subs are likely to submerge. But it’s still an attack. The subs might fight! Take on the whole navy! They have target select. Maybe they risk it all for a shot at a loaded transport, damaged battleship, etc.
There is also a note in the combat movement section that says, “Note that combat may not always occur as sometimes one or both players will be given the choice to engage in combat or not.” You may combat move anywhere combat MAY occur…no matter how unlikely.
PS. Shameless plug, but this confusion would all be eliminated if there was only one movement phase, rather than both a combat and non-combat movement phase.
Does the CCP declaring war on Japan first, mean Japan can attack China without triggering any peacetime income?
If Partisans form into a Militia and either attack or capture a land zone while its controlling power is neutral. Is that a declaration of war by that controlling power?
Can Commanders board a ship or submarine during the combat movement phase and participate in naval combat on the same turn?
Are CCP Partisans generated outside Chinese Home Country (i.e. Korea, French Annam-Tonkin, and Cochin China), allowed to move?
This post is deleted! -
@mike141500 said in The FAQ Thread:
Does the CCP declaring war on Japan first, mean Japan can attack China without triggering any peacetime income?
If you review the China CCP National Reference Sheet, you will see that in order for the CCP to declare war, they must have evolved to a Major Power. Are you referring to a situation where the CCP has evolved to a Major Power, or does that answer your question?
@hbg-gw-enthusiast Close. I’m referring more to “or if that nation has units in Chinese Home Country”, part of the CCP reference sheet. Japan has units in Chinese Home Country at the start of the game (i.e. Manchuria). Which means the CCP can declare war at any time.
@mike141500 I’m braindead! 8 ) Ok, now what specific peacetime income are you talking about? Are you wondering if CCP DoW’s Japan, does Japan attacking into land zones on a turn lower their oil trade income? It does. Are you wondering if France’s peacetime income increases +1 for this, it does not because the +1 is triggered here for Japan DoWing China, not the reverse.
@mike141500 Most people have migrated to the Discord server for questions regarding the rules. A wonderful player who is very dedicated to the community, A Board Gaming Bro, created the discord channel: https://discord.gg/G5gYY58b
There is a section on rules questions. Also, check out A Board Gaming Bro’s youtube channel for awesome tutorials on how the game is played! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXjncqQ9mzU
Welcome to the community! You have selected an incredible game! -
@hbg-gw-enthusiast im sure he is mostly referencing the $5 US income increase. to which i believe has been discussed that Japan will cause that increase only if they declare on KMT since they will already be at war with the CCP.
@hbg-gw-enthusiast this… the discord actually has the lead developer quite involved : his name is Morten and he is very helpful with rules clarifications and FAQ updates.