I forgot air units get two dice in convoy raiding, good reminder haha
Completed my 1984-87 Original Board Enlargement Project
H All!
Thanks for the help in creating my original enlarged map board. I found an original scan of a board online (I cannot remember the original creator, but I searched for “High Res Axis Allies Map.” If you were the creator of this, thank you very much! Kudos!
I wanted to do a 4 foot by 6 foot enlargement. The original file wasn’t high res enough for that, so I worked on it in Photo Shop by increasing the size and dpi. I’m pretty much a novice to Photo Shop, but it wasn’t that difficult after some google queries on how to do it.
Once I had it enlarged to the size and resolution I needed (beware, this apparently can bog down your computer if you are using a basic MacBook), I then went about finding a print shop. I ended up going to BannerBuzz.com. I’d never heard of them before, but their website was easy to use and the price was good.
I put my 4x6 map on vinyl, had it laminated, and had it shipped to me for about $50 total. The process took roughly ten days from me uploading the file, choosing the options, proofing it, and having it created and delivered.
The map looks great. in retrospect, I might have increased the resolution just a touch more, but I’m pretty pleased with it. If anyone wants the file, I can upload it or send it to you - Remember, it is a 4’ by 6’ version of the 1984-87 map, as in the original Milton Bradley version, and if you are a newbie to this, I can answer questions that I learned through the process.
Thanks to all the people who assisted in this!
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