Germany, Japan, and Italy make up the Axis. For the moment, the United Kingdom Europe, the United Kingdom Pacific, France, and China make up the Allies. The United States and the Soviet Union are neutral. During this period, many other countries tried to remain neutral as well. As the war became global, many neutrals were forced to join one side or the other.
With Germany positioned in Holland/Belgium and poised to continue its attack on France, what remains of the French army and some assorted Allied units are all that stands between it and Paris. With the bulk of its army and air force in Belgium, Germany finds itself in no position to attack the Soviet Union, at least for the moment.
Political Situation: Germany is at war with France, and the United Kingdom (Europe and Pacific). Germany may declare war on the United States, the Soviet Union, or China at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns. A state of war between Germany and one of these three powers won’t affect its relations with the other two.
National Objective and Bonus Income: Germany’s objective is “Lebensraum” (living space). Extra space was needed for the growth of the German population for a greater Germany. To reflect this objective, Germany collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations.
When Germany Is Not at War with the Soviet Union:
• 5 IPCs representing wheat and oil from the Soviet Union. Theme: Beneficial trade with the Soviet Union.
When Germany Is at War with the Soviet Union:
• 5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow).
Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.
• 5 IPCs if an Axis power controls Caucasus. Theme: Control of vital Soviet oil production.
When Germany Is at War with the United Kingdom and France:
• 5 IPCs if at least 1 German land unit is in Axis-controlled Egypt. Theme: Gateway to the Middle East oilfields (high propaganda value).
• 5 IPCs if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is neither pro-Allies nor Allies-controlled. Theme: Access to iron ore and other strategic resources.
•2IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia. Theme:Access to strategic oil reserves.
Tension and suspicion of Japanese military expansion in Asia undermines the United Kingdom Pacific’s sense of security.
Political Situation: UK Pacific begins the game at war with Germany and Italy, both of which are on the other side of world. The UK Pacific may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of it’s turn three, resulting in a state of war between Japan and both the United Kingdom Europe and Pacific. When not yet at war with Japan, in addition to the normal restrictions (see “Powers Not at War with One Another), UK Pacific may not move units into or through China. It may, however, move into Dutch territories which are friendly, but they do not gain their IPC income unless liberating them from Axis control. Additionally, UK Pacific considers attacks against any Dutch territories to be acts of war against it directly.
Also, the industrial complex in India begins the game as a minor complex. It is upgraded to major complex at no cost when the United Kingdom Pacific enters a state of war with Japan, and may be used as such immediately. It may be upgraded prior to that time in the normal way.
National Objective and Bonus Income: UK Pacific’s objective is to assure the defense of China, Calcutta and Sydney. To reflect these objectives, UK Pacific collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations.
When United Kingdom Pacific Is at War with Japan:
• 5 IPCs if the UK Pacific controls Malaya. Theme: Malaya considered strategic cornerstone to Far East British Empire.
• 5 IPCs if the UK Pacific controls Hong Kong. Theme: Hong Kong considered strategic cornerstone to Far East British Empire.
• 5 IPCs if China Controls Shanghai. Theme: Shanghai considered strategic cornerstone to Far East British Empire.
• 5 IPCs if the UK Pacific has at least 1 land unit (not an AA Gun) in any originally controlled Dutch territory. Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
With Japan’s signature, the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy will be concluded shortly, formalizing the Axis alliance. Also, Japan has recently concluded a border war with the Soviet Union and Mongolia, which ended in a cease- fire agreement.
Political Situation: At the beginning of the game, Japan is at war only with China. Japan considers movement of units into China by any other Allied power as an act of war against it. When not yet at war with the United States, in addition to the normal restrictions (see “Powers Not at War with One Another), Japan may not end the movement of its sea units within 2 sea zones of the United States’ mainland territories (Western United States and Alaska). Japan may declare war on United Kingdom Europe, United Kingdom Pacific, the United States, France, or the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns. A declaration of war by Japan against the United Kingdom Pacific will immediately result in a state of war between Japan and UK Pacific. A state of war between Japan and France or between Japan and the Soviet Union will not affect relations between Japan and the United States, and vice versa. Japan may attack Dutch territories only if a state of war exists between it and the United Kingdom Pacific.
National Objective and Bonus Income: Japan’s objective is “The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” (Asia for the Asians). To reflect this objective, Japan collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations:
When Japan Is Not at War with the United States:
• 10 IPCs if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against the United Kingdom Pacific. Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.
When Japan Is at War with the Western Allies (United States, United Kingdom Pacific and/or France):
• 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Gilbert Islands, and
Solomon Islands. Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
• 5 IPCs per territory if Axis powers control India (Calcutta), New South Wales (Sydney), Hawaiian Islands
(Honolulu) and/or Western United States (San Francisco). Theme: Major Allied power centers.
• 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes. Theme: Strategic
resource centers.
The United Kingdom Europe has barely completed the evacuation of its own as well as Allied forces from Dunkirk. An invasion of the United Kingdom looms as a real possibility. The Battle of Britain is about to commence.
Political Situation: The United Kingdom Europe, the United Kingdom Pacific, along with France, begins the game at war with Italy and Germany. Either United Kingdom may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of its third turn, resulting in a state of war between Japan and both the United Kingdom Europe and Pacific. When not yet at war with Japan, in addition to the normal restrictions (see “Powers Not at War with One Another), Either United Kingdom may not move units into or through China. may not move units into or through China. It may, however, move into Dutch territories which are friendly, but they do not gain their IPC income unless liberating them from Axis control. Additionally, UK Pacific considers attacks against any Dutch territories to be acts of war against it directly.
National Objective and Bonus Income: The United Kingdom’s objective is “The British Empire”—to retain control of its old centers of power. To reflect this objective, the United Kingdom Europe will collect bonus IPC income during each of UK Europe’s Collect Income phases in the following situations.
When the United Kingdom Europe is at War with Germany and Italy:
• 5 IPCs if the United Kingdom Europe controls all of its original territories within Africa. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.
• 5 IPCs if the United Kingdom Europe controls all of its original territories outside of Africa. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.
• 5 IPCs if there are no Axis warships in the Mediterranean. Theme: Defence of essential military interests in the Mediterranean Sea.
• 5 IPCs if the United Kingdom Europe has at least one land unit (not an AA Gun) in any originally controlled French territory in Europe. Theme: The liberation of France considered vital national objective.
Political Situation: At the beginning of the game, Italy is at war with France, the United Kingdom Europe, and the United Kingdom Pacific. Italy may declare war on the United States, the Soviet Union, or China at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns. A state of war between Italy and one of these three powers will not affect its relations with the other three.
National Objective and Bonus Income: Italy’s objective is “Mare Nostrum” (Our Sea). Mussolini wanted to reestablish the greatness of the Roman Empire. This could best be demonstrated by controlling the entire Mediterranean basin. To reflect this objective, Italy collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations.
When Italy Is at War:
• 5 IPCs if there are no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean sea (sea zones 92 through 99). Theme: Propaganda and strategic advantage.
• 5 IPCs if Axis powers control at least 3 of the following territories: Gibraltar, Southern France, Greece, and Egypt. Theme: Stated national objectives—Greater Roman Empire.
• 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, and Alexandria. Theme: Stated North African military objectives.
• 2 IPCs per territory if Italy controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia. Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.
Japanese expansion into China in the early 1930s was designed to not only control China’s resources, but also to eliminate British, American, and Soviet influence in the area. Japan wants to isolate China from all external aid.
Political Situation: China begins the game at war with Japan. China can’t declare war on a European Axis power unless one of those powers first either declares war on China or moves units into a territory into which Chinese units are allowed to move. A state of war between China and one Axis power won’t affect its relations with the other Axis powers.
National Objective and Bonus Income: China’s objective is to resist Japanese expansion into China and establish support from other powers in the struggle against Japan. To reflect this objective, China collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situation.
When China Is at War:
• 6 IPCs if the Burma Road is totally open. Allied powers must control India, Burma, Yunnan, and Szechwan for this to occur. China is also permitted to purchase artillery if the Burma Road is open. Theme: Chinese military supply line corridor.
The country is recovering from Stalin’s deep purge of its military officer corps, which has shaken the Red Army to its very core. Combine this with its recent military disaster in Finland, and we find the Soviet Union more than happy to enter into a secret agreement with Germany. This secret agreement, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, assures that the Soviet Union will remain neutral should Germany go to war in Europe. It also permits each power to expand its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe without interference from the other. In the East, the Soviet Union, along with Mongolia, has recently concluded a border war with Japan, which ended in a cease-fire agreement.
Political Situation: The Soviet Union begins the game at war with no one. The Soviet Union may not declare war on any European Axis power before turn 4 unless first declared war upon by a European Axis power or London is captured by an Axis power. It may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns.
Due to its separate treaties with Germany and Japan, the Soviet Union is in a unique position in its relationship with the Axis powers. As a result, if the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power (see “Powers Not at War with One Another) on the other map, and Axis powers on the other map are also still under those restrictions regarding the Soviet Union on both maps. For example, a state of war with only Japan lifts the neutrality restrictions from the Soviet Union on the Pacific map only, and allows Japanese units to attack or fly over Soviet-controlled territories on either map. However, the Soviet Union is still restricted on the Europe map, and Germany and Italy must still treat the entire Soviet Union as a neutral power, and may not move units into or through any original Soviet territories or Soviet-controlled territories. At the same time, Allied powers may move units into or through Pacific original Soviet territories and Soviet-controlled territories, but not European ones.
National Objective and Bonus Income: Fear of foreign invasion grows by the day in Moscow. The Soviet Union’s objective is a security buffer of foreign territory. To reflect this objective, the Soviet Union collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations.
When the Soviet Union Is at War in Europe:
•5IPCs if the convoy in seazone 125 is free of Axis warships, Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union, and there are no units belonging to other Allied powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union. Theme: National prestige and access to Allied Lend-Lease material.
• 3 IPCs for each territory that the Soviet Union controls that was originally German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral. Theme: Propaganda value and spread of communism.
• 10 IPCs (one time only) the first time the Soviet Union controls Germany (Berlin). Theme: National prestige.
The United States, wanting to remain neutral, nonetheless has strong pro-Allies sentiments. Separated from world conflicts by two great oceans, it’s particularly anxious to not once again get involved in another European war only twenty-some years after the last one. With its military standing ranked no higher than 12th or 14th in the world, and with a serious isolationist mood in the country, only with the outrage felt by its people by a sudden and deliberate attack by an Axis power will the United States end its neutrality and go to war. However, the growing danger presented by the strengthening of the Axis powers may soon force it to reconsider this position.
Political Situation: The United States begins the game at war with no one. In addition to the normal restrictions (see “Powers Not at War with One Another,”), while it’s not at war with Japan, the United States may not move any units into or through China or end the movement of its sea units in sea zones that are adjacent to Japan-controlled territories. While not at war with Germany or Italy, the United States may end the movement of its sea units on the Europe map only in sea zones that are adjacent to U.S. territories, with one exception: U.S. warships (not transports) may also conduct long-range patrols into sea zone 102. The United States may not declare war on any Axis power unless an Axis power either declares war on it first or captures London or any territory in North America, or Japan makes an unprovoked declaration of war against the UK Europe or the UK Pacific, after which it may declare war on any or all Axis powers on its following turn. However, if it’s not yet at war by the Collect Income phase of its third turn, the United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of that phase. This is an exception to the rules for declaring war (see “Declaring War,”), which may normally be done only at the beginning of the Combat Move phase.
Also, the industrial complexes in Eastern United States, Central United States, and Western United States begin the game as minor complexes. They are upgraded to major complexes at no cost when the United States enters a state of war, and may be used as such immediately. They may be upgraded prior to that time in the normal way.
National Objective and Bonus Income: The objective of the United States is to become “the Arsenal of Democracy” and defeat the Axis powers. To reflect this objective, the United States collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations:
When the United States Is at War:
• 10 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Eastern United States, Central United States, and
Western United States. Theme: Basic national sovereignty.
• 5 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Johnston Island, and Line Islands. Theme: National sovereignty issues.
• 5 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Mexico, South Eastern Mexico, Central America, and West Indies. Theme: Defense treaty and trade obligations.
• 5 IPCs if the United States controls Philippines. Theme: Center of American influence in Asia.
• 5 IPCs if there is at least 1 United States land unit in the territory France. Theme: Great Alliance collaboration.
France finds itself fighting for its very existence, and if history repeats itself, it will fall to a successful German invasion.
Political Situation: France is at war with Germany and Italy. France may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns.
Controlling Player: The player controlling France will manage all the events related to France that occur during any power’s turn. France will be managed as a separately controlled power, including the French IPC economy. For purposes of simplification, this game doesn’t deal with the German instalment of the Vichy government in France.
Troop Bonus: When the territory France is liberated by the Allies, the player controlling France immediately places his or her choice of up to 12 IPCs’ worth of any French units on the territory France for free. This happens only once per game. Theme: National liberation and national prestige.