@vowly said in Rule Entry for flying over neutrals:
Does this count for non combat moves of only combat moves?
Logic dictates that “Fly over” applies to combat and non-combat movement.
Is it possible for an allied nation(not free france) to fly over vichy, I’m assuming it would be a declaration of war similar to forcing a strait resulting in them aligning to germany at the end of the combat phase. I understand that air units can’t fly over neutral nations or neutral canals but since vichy is a different type of minor neutral I figured it wouldn’t have these restrictions. Once again tho I am not sure. Any help or info would be appreciated. Thanks.
Vichy is a neutral minor who is only at war with Free France. The other Allies treat it the same way as any other neutral. They are not aligned to Germany, they are controlled by them. Understanding the difference between Control and Alignment is essential to playing Global War. I had to read and reread that section many times before I truly mastered it. After that the game makes much more sense.
@GeneralHandGrenade I understand the difference between control and alignment, but my question was regarding whether British or American planes could fly over vichy. I suppose my gut tells me that since they are neutral, British and US planes would be unable to fly over Vichy under any circumstances other than choosing to attack them?
The situation I’m faced with in the game I’m currently playing is that I have 3 fighters and a Tac at Gibraltar with longe range aircraft. I would like them to participate in an attack on Paris but the only possible way to do so would be flying over vichy. I wanted to know if it was possible to do this, if not then is it possible to attack vichy boats with the British to make them align to germany? I’m inclined to think no on the 2nd part since alignment usually happens at the end of the combat phase. Not sure tho.
Yes Vichy is neutral and nobody but the Free French are allowed to fly over them ( that includes Germany).
If you attack their boats then it is a declaration of war on Vichy and all of the Vichy units and territories will align to the Germans after the Combat Phase is finished. If the British declared war on Vichy then they could fly over them because they are not neutral to Britain anymore. If you liberate Paris then all of Vichy will revert back to Free French. If you fail to liberate Paris that turn then Vichy will align to Germany after Combat Phase is done. You wouldn’t really need to attack the boats either, you would just have to verbally declare war during your Combat Movement Phase. Make sure you don’t fail in Paris though!
@GeneralHandGrenade Regarding Vichy Surrender: I think you have this incorrect. Vichy France only surrenders if South France falls, they dont actually care about Paris.
You are correct @insaneHoshi, only Southern France will turn all of Vichy colonies and units to Free French (Vichy national reference sheet v3.1), see « Vichy Surrender ».
Yes that is correct. I messaged the rules guy last night and he confirmed that Vichy doesn’t fall with the fall of Paris. He said he was considering changing that for Version 4 down the road.
When Paris is liberated, it seems like it is possible for Vichy to attack Paris, or so my axis opponent believes.
On the Vichy Player Aid under Vichy Surrender it states:
If Vichy attacks a Free French land zone containing units not from Free France, these non Free French units do not participate in the combat and are moved to the nearest land zone in their possession.
Am I wrong in assuming that it is possible for Vichy to attack Paris once liberated and ignore any other allied units, making them withdraw no less? The only thing that makes me uncertain is the classification of Free France in the wording. I am hoping this means that once Paris is liberated, the minor power of Free France becomes the major power of “France” again, thus this rule would no longer apply to France. I am hoping my assumption is correct, any help or info would be appreciated. I just wanted to be sure. Thanks.
@jbuckbuddy said in Vichy Fly Over:
The only thing that makes me uncertain is the classification of Free France in the wording. I am hoping this means that once Paris is liberated, the minor power of Free France becomes the major power of “France” again,
FF Player Aid:
“If Free French liberates Paris, it becomes a Major Power (effectively becomes France again)”
If you read the Free France Reference sheet it seems clear that Free France is the same as France after liberation of Paris and does not replace it. I think what they are saying with “effectively becomes France again” is that it becomes a major power with all the rules that apply to a major power. For Home Country it says that Free France considers Paris and all surrounding territories as home country as long as they are Allied-possessed. As such the same rules would apply in the war between Free and Vichy France. If that’s the case then Vichy could attack Paris and they other Allied units wouldn’t take part. Remember though that you would place 4 French infantry in Paris upon liberation.
@GeneralHandGrenade Ah I see, and yes i placed Le resistance in Paris upon liberation but the part I want to be clear on is if the other allied units have to vacate paris once vichy chooses to attack, or are they forced to withdraw only if vichy defeats the French forces. If there are no french units and only British or American units in a french land zone, is vichy able to move in, force a withdrawal and take it, or can they only attack french forces?
The reason i inquired is because the German player in my game is planning to attack Paris(US,British & French units occupy it) with Germany and Vichy if able. They would move on the same turn of course but not attack together, but say the german’s attack Paris and all the French units are killed(they are militia and AAA) leaving only British or American units, once vichy attacked would they be forced to vacate or would vichy be unable to move in since there are no French forces?
Wanted to be sure before I went ahead. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.