• Hello, I just started playing Axis & Allies a couple months ago at gamesbyemail.com.  I’ve enjoyed my time over there very much and I’ve really grown to love this game.  Unfortunately, the type of game is the classic A&A 2nd Edition and not any of the newer versions.

    Anyways, my question is whether there are any free online places to play other version of A&A such as the 3rd Edition, ect.  I don’t have anyone to play against in person, unfortunately, so I have to play online.

    I tried the old CD-ROM game, but even with the Vista fix, it still locks up on my computer, unfortunately.

    Thanks for any help you may provide.  I may just be out of look.  Perhaps, I should look into an Axis & Allies Club around my area (if there are any).

  • Check my signature links, and http://triplea.sourceforge.net/mywiki/TripleA

  • Thanks for the link.  :-)

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