Nothing to see here (Axis) vs. James Aleman (Allies) g40 alpha3

  • Shn twlo 1Inf,
    Hon twlo 1Inf
    Phi twlo 1Inf

    Round 2:

    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 4@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (6, 6)2@2: (4, 3)4@3: (5, 3, 2, 3)1@4: (5)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)

  • are we using the new convoy rules….add the the dice values below 4, since 4,5and6 are misses…such that rolls of 1,3,6,2 = 3hits for a total of 6 damage?

  • Re: Epic Battle of all time: Cmdr Jennifer vs JamesAleman G40-A3: He hits girls! 8-)
    « Reply #106 on: October 17, 2011, 10:15:07 am »
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    Page 8.

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    Red Text:

    You roll all damage and sum up all dice under the value of 3 (or at 3.)

    So if you roll for 2 submarines and get 1, 1, 6, 3, then your submarines did 5 damage total in the convoy zone.

  • Yun twlo 1Inf

    Non Combat Movements:

    To Cha: 3Inf Jeh
    To Jeh: 1Inf Man
    To Kwa: 1Bmb Z42, 2Fgt, 2Tac, 1Bmb Shn, 4Fgt, 1Tac Yun, 1Fgt, 1Tac Hon
    To Z35: 2Fgt, 2Tac Phi
    To Jap: 1Fgt, 1Tac Car
    To Z19: 1Car, 1DD Z36, 1DD Z33, 1Trp Z5, 1Fgt, 1Tac Hon


    To Man: 2Arm, 1Mec
    To Ksu: 1Mec
    To Jap: 3Inf
    To Z19: 2Trp

    44 (TT)

  • forgot map

  • sorry wanted to look at your link here’s the map.


  • I’m okay with the new Sub rules shall I go back to G1 and I1 and check the dieresults and adjust income an buy somthing else in G2 or shall we just keep the old rule for those rounds?

  • WGer will scramble 3Fgt if you attack Z112 or 113
    Jap will scramble 1Fgt If you make a amphibious assoult on Japan but not if you make one on Korea

  • Ok looked up my Convoydamge in G1 and I1 it changes nothing. For Germany nothing changes because the hit was a one an for Italy nothing changes because it could only loose 1 ICP from raiding anyway.

  • USA turn 2:
    Converting Minor factories to Majors: Conversion would have occurred during Japans turn after the dastardly surprise attack :)
    Production: 56
    4 transports =28
    2 infantry=6
    2 Destoryers=16
    1 Sub=6
    Noncombat Moves:
    To z54: bb,2ca,cv,2ftr,2d,sub,2trn-z26 loaded with 3inf,mech
    To Que: Bmbr,3ftr,tac-Haw; 3inf,mech-z54
    To z26: trn,ca-z28; 3carriers-z10
    To Haw: mech,inf-z26
    To Cua: mech-Wus
    To Wus: art-Cus

    z10: 3 transports, 1 sub, 2 dd
    z101: trn
    Wus: inf
    Cus: inf
    Collection: 70


  • **China turn 2:

    Production: 15**
    5 infantry

    Combat Moves:
    To Kwe: 2inf-She; 5inf,ftr-Sze vs 6inf,2art

    Kwe: 7inf,ftr vs 6inf,2art
    DiceRolls: 7@1 1@3; Total Hits: 27@1: (4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 5, 1)1@3: (3)
    DiceRolls: 8@2; Total Hits: 38@2: (1, 2, 6, 6, 1, 3, 6, 6)

    Showing additional USA map in case I got it wrong.


  • Kwe: 4inf,ftr vs 4inf,2art
    DiceRolls: 4@1 1@3; Total Hits: 14@1: (2, 3, 2, 2)1@3: (2)
    DiceRolls: 6@2; Total Hits: 46@2: (1, 2, 5, 1, 4, 2)

  • Wow, good rolls.

    Kwe: China lost 7 inf, Japan lost 3 inf
    Noncombat Moves:
    To Sik: ftr-Kwe

    Sik: 5inf

    Collection: 5

    Going to work, be back in about 13 hours


  • Do we apply the Setup changes as far as they are still relevant?

    To summarize:
    1 Italian Fighter from NIta to SIta (this ones irrelevant)
    No British Troops in Wfr and only a French Art +Inf (this seems impossible to reproduce since the total attack would have been very different)
    The Russian Battleship has been changed into a cruiser
    1 Bitish Bomber in UK
    No more Airbases in Gib and Malta

  • Oh just notice a few things have changed with Germany too. 1 additional Infantry in Norway 1 additional Bomber in Ger and one additional Tank in SGer. If we use the newer Setup I’d just add them where it makes sense for them to be in the second round. so Bomber WGer Armor Ger and Inf Fin.

  • I suggest we continue as is, or start a new game at this point, he keeps changing the rules. Shall we continue?

  • **UK turn 2:

    London: 36
    Save 2
    India: 17
    2 artillery
    Combat Moves:
    To z72: trn-z80; trn-81 loaded inf-Epr; inf-Cpr; inf,art-Egy
    To Ken: 3inf,art-z72; 2ftr,tac-Egy vs 2inf,art
    To Sud: 4inf,art-Egy vs inf
    To Irq: 2inf,art-Cpr; armor,mech-Egy; ftr,tac-z81; ftr-Ind
    Ken: 3inf,art,2ftr,tac vs 2inf,art
    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (6, 4)2@2: (5, 4)2@3: (4, 2)1@4: (6)
    DiceRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 03@2: (3, 5, 6)
    Sud: 4inf,art vs inf
    DiceRolls: 3@1 2@2; Total Hits: 13@1: (1, 3, 5)2@2: (3, 6)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
    Irq: 2inf,art,mech,arm,2ftr,tac vs 3 inf
    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (2, 3)2@2: (5, 4)3@3: (2, 1, 3)1@4: (5)
    DiceRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 23@2: (1, 1, 5)


  • Ken: 3inf,art,2ftr,tac vs inf,art
    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (1, 6)2@2: (6, 5)2@3: (5, 3)1@4: (3)
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 4)

  • Irq: Iraq lost 3 inf; UK lost 2 inf
    Sud: Italy lost inf; UK lost inf
    Ken: Italy lost 2 inf,art; UK lost inf
    Noncombat Moves:
    To z96: dd-z81
    To Egy: 2ftr,tac-Ken
    To Tang: 2inf-Rho
    To z81: dd,ca-z76; ftr,tac-Irq
    To Cpe: ftr-Irq
    To z106: bb,ca-z117
    To UK: 2ftr-z106
    To z54: bb-z61
    z106: cv,dd,trn
    Saf: inf
    Ind: armor,2art,inf
    London: 39 (32+5NO+2saved)
    India: 13


  • @JamesAleman:

    I suggest we continue as is, or start a new game at this point, he keeps changing the rules. Shall we continue?

    I’m fine with continueing the game as is. I probably wouldn’t have bought the 2nd Bomber G1 if I already had two. And Normandy wouldn’t have wute that much of a disaster. so it’s probably for the best if we contiue like this. Do we play with the new NOs. It would be easier to look them up than try to remember what they were when we started. I think nothing major changed

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