Xeno Games's World at War (1939 version of A&A)

  • Hey, everyone.  Any of you guys ever play this version of A&A?  It’s based on Classic A&A, but set in 1939.  The game starts with Germany invading France and Poland (backwards historically, but in other respects more historically accurate than the 1942 version).  Some neat features of this game:

    • Germany and Japan each get one double move turn a game – one turn where they get to build, attack, non-combat, place builds, attack again and then collect IPCs.

    • After the fall of France, you roll for each French territory and fleet to determine which ones go “Free French” and which ones go Vichy.  The Axis get income from the Vichy territories but can’t move their units (except for fleets, but that’s a roll of 1 out of 6).

    • Germany has until Turn 4 or 5 before Russia can declare war on Germany.  USA must wait until Turn 6 (if memory serves), so Germany has some time to wear down the British before biting off the Ruskies.

    • Japan starts the war at war with China only.  Japan has the option of when to use its double move.  The only downside is, if you don’t use your double move on Turn 1, the US consolidates its fleet off L.A. and, presto, no Pearl Harbor.

    • Each country (except the British, I believe) has country-specific units and/or attacks they can use.  Germany has panzer tanks (that defend at 5!) and panzer grenadiers.  Russia has its guards.  American have their Marines.  Japanese have “Bonsai” attacks (the inf. attack at 2, but CANNOT break off the attack once declared).

    There are other neat features to the game.  If anyone is interested, drop me a line.  I will scan the rules and e-mail you the .pdf (unless I find a link online).

    Almost forgot – if you want to look at the map, it’s on ABattlemap under “New”, click “World at War”.


  • I played this game a many o night in the early nineties and I still own a copy. It was a great game. It is definitely more involved than the original A&A game. I don’t know about the revised as I’ve never played it. Its tough for the axis to win. Usually, you’d know after round 3 if the axis had a chance of winning. Round 3 was the best time for Japan’s ‘blitz’ and the best time for Germany to strike Russia.

    I loved all the rule variants. I think this verison introduced the two hit BB and the half-battleship(destroyer) It was a 2/3 and the BB dropped to a 3/3 until you repaired it. The different unit price for each country was nice too, although, one would end up buying infantry most of the time. You could place newly purchased infantry in any territory controlled by that nation up to the value of the country you were placing it in. T’was tight.

    I could go on and on….

    Anyone who has played A&A should give this game a day in court.

  • Mr. Ghoul,

    I am trying to get a PBF game together on this.  Would you be interested?  If so, send me a PM with your e-mail.

    I agree it’s tough to win as the Axis.  Having Russia purchase infantry for $2 PLUS the partisans makes Russia very hard to conquer.  Also, I’m not sure what edition you are referring to, but I have the 3rd edition rule set.  I actually purchased my set at the Xeno Games store here in Jacksonville in the early Nineties.  Man, if I had known they would close soon after . . . .

    Let’s see if we generate any more interest.  I would be interested in hearing any rules tweaks you might suggest to give the Axis a little more punch – ideas include:  (1) bidding; (2) modifying unit costs; (3) modifying unit offensive/defensive values (for example, making a tank defend at a 3, just as in AA Revised); or (4) modifying the Russian rules slightly.  I also could go on and on, but let’s test the waters first.


  • Isn’t this game having a 5th edition rule set, based on A&A revised instead of 2nd Edition (classic) ???

  • @Micoom:

    Isn’t this game having a 5th edition rule set, based on A&A revised instead of 2nd Edition (classic) ???

    Micoom:  If you have the 5th edition rules, by all means post them or the link to them.  I haven’t played this game in years and would be very interested if they have updated the rules to incorporate Revised rules set.  Would you be up for a PBF game?

  • I wasn’t aware there was a 2nd edition.

    The only added feature from the new version that I think it needs would be artillery. I don’t think its needs the new tank defense because you will always have infantry at the front due to the build rule and the rail movement you can use to reinforce newly conquered territory.

    Now that I’m thinking about it. The game could use the fighter escort rule for Industrial bombing.

  • I personally don’t like the “build trained infantry divisions in the middle of nowhere” rule myself.  I think it makes the Axis’s job much harder than it needs to be AND substantially dumbs down the strategy.  Transports?  Who needs 'em?!!  Just build infantry right there in the middle of the Belgian Congo right smack in the middle of the jungle!  Personally, I would prefer to give Britain an IC in India, the Free French an IC in a random Free French territory determined when you do the Vichy French rolls and then go at it.  As the rules currently stand, there are no “fronts” because you can literally build anywhere at any time as long as you own the territory.  Granted, it’s limited to infantry, but that makes little difference IMHO.

    I am going to research these 5th edition rules to see if they address this at all.  Among the innovations I would vote to adopt from Revised would be:
    1.  Make battleships self-healing if not destroyed in combat.
    2.  Make Cruisers attack and defend at “3” (except during shore bombardment – keep that at “2”)
    3.  Adopt the artillery piece (as Mr. Ghoul suggests)
    4.  Increase the tank’s defensive value to “3”
    5.  Reduce the cost of fighters by $1 for each country (but keep the difference in prices – I think that adds a little something to the mix)


  • P.S. – They don’t have the fighter escort rule in Revised.  There is a reason for that – you don’t have that many fighters to waste on dumb strategic bombing missions.  That rule was invented for use in A&AE as a strategy to crush Russia.

  • Okay, here is the link to the FOURTH edition rules, which appear to be the most current on the Xeno Games website:


    They do address infantry builds in far-away places – you pay an additional 1 IPC per off-IPC build and are limited to building 1 infantry per territory.  But my question remains – why have this rule at all?  Maybe keep it for the Free French and the Chinese, but otherwise, I would can it.

    And they DO have fighter escorts for strategic bombing – go figure.

    I’m still reading . . .

  • Not to honk my horn but im probably the guy who will be remaking Xenos next map for World At War and probably a revamped version of Europe at War.

  • @Imperious:

    Not to honk my horn but im probably the guy who will be remaking Xenos next map for World At War and probably a revamped version of Europe at War.

    Honk all you like!  :-)

    I actually purchased Europe at War and Russia at War (new in the box – unopened – off e-bay!) but have no one to play them with.  Do you want to weigh in on any of the issues we are discussing?  I understand how game development works (having worked with Imp Games before on some of their stuff), but what can you tell us about the changes being considered?

    Some general observations about the map:  (1) East Australia should be more than 2 seazones from India – the East Australian SZ should probably be split in half; (2) the Atlantic needs to be reworked to make the Irish Sea more than 2 clicks from Germany; (3) what about convoy spaces like A&AE (in lieu of the clunky roll a dice to determine convoy damage)?

    General rules observations – bag the repairable BB rule (too complicated).  Replace with self-healing BBs.  Also, why do Cruisers attack at 2 and defend at 3?  I’ve never understood that.  Finally, Russia purchasing infantry at 2 is REALLY tough for the Axis to overcome.  This is the Infantry Push Mechanic on steroids!!!

    Don’t get me wrong – love the game.  Just want to see it even better!  :wink:

  • Some general observations about the map:  (1) East Australia should be more than 2 seazones from India – the East Australian SZ should probably be split in half; (2) the Atlantic needs to be reworked to make the Irish Sea more than 2 clicks from Germany; (3) what about convoy spaces like A&AE (in lieu of the clunky roll a dice to determine convoy damage)?

    ++++++++ I suspect they want to keep some of the old strategy’s alive that were possible under 2nd edition. Aus should be split in two and that convoy box idea would be a good idea but AAE had too many of them in a small area. Possibly we could determine the % of trade that facilitated a nations economy (or that was dependant on it) and make some inferences accordingly. I feel the entire idea of WAW was to copy the milton bradley game and make a few new territories. It was designed a long time ago and the new ownership of Xeno wants to maintain the flavor of that. Thus i dont see any changes coming as you propose.

    General rules observations – bag the repairable BB rule (too complicated).  Replace with self-healing BBs.  Also, why do Cruisers attack at 2 and defend at 3?  I’ve never understood that.  Finally, Russia purchasing infantry at 2 is REALLY tough for the Axis to overcome.  This is the Infantry Push Mechanic on steroids!!!

    ++++++++++++++ Again they took a number of ideas and window dressed the game to add historical flavor. I dont see what the problem with paying for a repair but i admit its easier to just use the revised rule. Id give germany 2 IPC infantry as well to balance. But in any event infantry buys should not exceed 50% of total income.

  • I’ve never had a problem at all with the rules as they are, or should I say as they were, for Xeno’s World at War. The game was designed to be difficult, as mentioned, for the Axis, very difficult. If someone is changing rules to balance the game, thats fine, but its only being done in the interest of gameplay, not historical accuracy. Not that this game or any A&A game is the epitome of historically accurate games.

    Our group had fun trying to find a way to win with the axis.

    Going back to the infantry build rule.
    I don’t mind this rule either. I can understand someone having issues with it, as one in our gaming group did, but it makes some sense. Why couldn’t Britain support the raising of the local population into an army in African controlled territory? However, it makes less sense when Germany captures a Russia terrortiy and, after having held it for a round, places infantry there on the next build phase.
    Maybe a nation should only be allowed to build infantry, up to the territories value, in certain areas. For instance, Germany could build infantry in any game starting territory plus countries like Spain or turkey, Romania(I don’t remember if this is starting territory of not) and Finland.

    If this rule is changed then there should be a modification to rail movement. Maybe doubling the amount of infantry that can be ship per nation.

    Really, though, I think I like it the way it is or was.

    Russia purchasing infantry at 2 is REALLY tough for the Axis to overcome.  This is the Infantry Push Mechanic on steroids!!!

    Based on the amount of IPCs the Russia are making they kind of need this. If they were paying 3 ipcs like Germany, the war would be over quick in Germany’s favor.

  • FINALLY!!!  A good rip-rorring discussion of W@W – exactly what I hoped would happen.  :-D

    Mr. Ghoul – I hear you on Russia’s economy.  Some balancing is needed to avoid an easy Axis victory.  But 2 IPC infantry?  That’s tough.  Maybe you’re right – maybe it should be tough.  But if the only way I can win against a good opponent is to get some lucky dice rolls . . .

    As for the building infantry in far away places, sure, Britain MIGHT raise an army of natives, but are they going to be the equivalent of the Royal Army or the Weirmacht soldiers?  I think NOT.  Maybe this infantry should attack and defend on a 1 or something.

    What does everyone think about adding the artillery unit to W@W?  I could see it working to the DISADVANTAGE of the Axis, what, with all that Russian infantry running around – imagine them paired up with artillery!!!  (ouch!)

    Anyone up for a PBF game?  It can be slow, it can wait until after the Revised tournament, whatever.  I’d just like to play it again and ABattlemap has the map with pieces, so why not?  What say you?


  • I just read over the 4th edition rules. Thanks for the link WG.

    It appears they made alot of subtle changes.

    I like the rule that removes transports last in navy combat.
    I dont like the extra ipc for 1 infantry placement outside factory.
    I kind of like the the limit on AAguns (3 per piece). It forces you to buy more.
    I Don’t like the convoy rules. It seems a bit weighted down.
    I really don’t like the levels of damage/production to/for factories.
    I don’t like bonus given to Germany for their first attack(limit one area) into Russia +1/-1(if this is not a added rule, I do not ever remember using it)
    And I don’t like the new technologies

    Kamikazi is something you should not have to research.
    The German Tiger/King is silly. The game takes place on a grand scale it is not necessary to lable armor types. SS panzer units are enough. The armor piece you buy represents all types of tanks and assult guns and maybe even self-propelled arty.
    It just seems too bogged down. Unnecessary.

    I should note that I do like some of the techs.

  • Last time I talked to Mike “Xeno” he said that he had a stack of E@W maps so was not looking to do an update.

    Yes thats correct… but when he does sell the inventory he will not reprint but rather make another version. This is further along down the pipeline. Dont expect anything for a few years. The WAW thing is something that is in a much shorter window. But that too requires the inventory to be first sold.

  • I suspect you people dont actually use the pieces from Xeno games right? They are so poorly made Id only use them for neutrals.

  • Imperious,

    Yes, they are cheaply made.  But because their coloration differs from the original MB pieces, they’re convenient to use for ss panzer units or ss panzer grenadiers or Russian guards in order to distinguish them from the regular units.

  • I’m moving this to the A&A Variants forum because that is what this is.

  • Okay, all you fence-sitters.  Mr Ghoul and I are starting our match under “Games in Progress” if you want to follow along.

    Game on!


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