Hi, my friends and I are trying to decide if we want to get into Bloodbath. The only question we have is, is the setup charts different? I thought I saw that I have to download the setup charts but the closest thing I can find is the player aid/rulebook.
What is this talk of global 42 I have been hearing about?
Where have you heard this?
G42 - a 1942 variant that Larry came up with. I do not think (I will double check) there is a G40 tournament planned.
-miamiumike -
New Larry Harris 1942 game start.
Could be a lot of fun- every power in the game is at war…
I hope the set up details are revealed on this forum once the conference is over.
I am dying for another set up for Global that means the first move(G1) is not scripted. -
Well, the first move isn’t always scripted. Not everyone does a G1… but yes another setup like Anniversary had would definitely add value. Not to mention everyone would be at war and you wouldn’t have neutral Russia/US baloney, and you wouldn’t have the French Africa problem (them being ‘free french,’ but in WWII the Italians didn’t fight them in Algeria like they do in AA1940).
Personally, I’d rather have a 1941 scenario than a 1942 one- starting with German invasion of Barbarossa and a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. But I’m not complaining!
G41 would be better….
Of course Oztea; I was not demeaning the great work you have done for us.
I did set up and show my friend, but he said it was too crowded!
I will make him play one day, I promise! -
Speaking of g41, does anyone have a saved triple A file of ozteas 1941? I know some people made it, I am just wondering if I need to make one myself or not.
Im just glad to see Larry is coming around to the fact that the 1940 setup takes too long to enjoy in just one day.
And I am very much looking forward to see what Larry has put his rubber stamp on.
And supposedly this is happening TODAY?Why are we so in the dark about this? I want to see the setup! :evil:
Im just glad to see Larry is coming around to the fact that the 1940 setup takes too long to enjoy in just one day.
And I am very much looking forward to see what Larry has put his rubber stamp on.
And supposedly this is happening TODAY?Why are we so in the dark about this? I want to see the setup! :evil:
Yes oztea, where is the Triplea file of your '41 setup?
Im not home now, but I have a save and I’ll post it soon.
This would have been a great time for WOTC and Larry to have their first expansion pack. Global 42. New map and new rulebook. Bingo expansion.
Can no one post this 42 set up?is it not allowed?
Here is the 1941 setup.
I might add 1 french infantry to French equatorial Africa in the future, but this should be the current setup.Also, god damn, where is this 1942 larry setup!
So was no one there to get a copy of the setup?
Was over a week ago now I wonder why all the secrecy?
I would love a 42 start. -
I just finished a 42 setup of my own. Ill be typing it up and posting it shortly.
It hasn’t been tested yet though.
here is the set-up pdf