@Panther it is still live. I’ll get a new link up
Questions about the playing pieces in Axis and Allies
What is the size of the playing pieces for Axis and Allies and Fortress America? Is there a scale for inches as well as mm?
A&A and FA both have units that are the same size….What games are out there that have units in that same size?
I know of table tactics, but are there any other sites that sell units in that size.
I am trying to collect games and pieces that are all the same size. A&A, FA, and the table tactic pieces are all the same size…I am looking for information related to that.
Xenogames.com has trees in several colors that contain 35 pieces each. Impgames.com has extra pieces available for their WW3 A&A variant. You have four colors to choose from there. I’ve read you can get A&A pieces from hasbro.com but haven’t seen it.
Yeah what he said. Also check out tabletactics.com
Don’t even bother trying to get pieces from Hasbro. They don’t care about us A&A players to offer part sets to us & when you ask they just give you the royal run-around. Sorry if I sound too bitter…