Greg Smorey’s yearly gathering of Axis & Allies gamers in Cincinnati returns for a 12th year.
Spring Gathering XII
Where: Cincinnati, OH at Art of War Gaming Store and Guardian Angels Church
When: April 25, 2014 7pm to close and April 26, 2014 8am to 8pm.
Cost: $7 at the door
Website: Spring Gathering XII
Description of the event:
The Spring Gathering is a day and half mini CON that focuses mostly on Axis & Allies board games and miniatures. Games played include
- All Axis & Allies Games (1914, G42, G40, AA50, 1942 (2nd Ed.), Angels 20, AAM, WAS and more
- Non-Axis & Allies Games: (Settlers, 7 Wonders, Lords of Water Deep, Game of Thrones(BG & LCG) etc.)
- Dealers Table: our annual dealers table will be up and running with great deals on great gaming items!
- Door Prizes: will be given away throughout the day which included: AA t-shirts, AH games, Dice Towers & more