Articoli su Axis and Allies Pacific di Saburo Sakai – #1 Assalto all’India

Axis and Allies Pacific è un grande gioco e, nella mia opinione, un membro sottostimato della famiglia di giochi A&A. Io ho giocato molte partite ad A&A Pacific contro giocatori che reputo alcuni dei migliori giocatori nel mondo (senza alcun ordine particolare Tordenskjold, El Ravager, KittenofChaos, AndrewAAGamer ed Andycool) ma sembra che l’interesse per il gioco stia svanendo.


Infantry as Superior Defensive Purchase — Still True in Revised?

Don Rae, in his Article #1 concerning correct purchasing in Classic, comes out strongly in favor of purchasing infantry in large numbers, primarily because of its defensive value relative to tanks (the only other land unit in Classic). (He also advocates purchasing infantry as part of the "Infantry Push Mechanic", but that’s another article topic.)Several folks have asked whether Don Rae’s points are still valid in Revised.


Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea Released

If you are an avid Axis & Allies Miniatures player than you already know the great news that the Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures game was released to Stores on March 16, 2007. Since then Avalon Hill has published two articles: Tactica Aquatica to help with your War at Sea tactics and War at Sea: Guadacanal Campaign Pt. 1 the first scenario for the new game.