Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea Released

If you are an avid Axis & Allies Miniatures player than you already know the great news that the Axis & Allies Naval Miniatures game was released to Stores on March 16, 2007. Since then Avalon Hill has published two articles: Tactica Aquatica to help with your War at Sea tactics and War at Sea: Guadacanal Campaign Pt. 1 the first scenario for the new game.


Axis and Allies War at Sea Review at Tabletop Gaming News

Tabletop Gaming News has written up an in depth review of the new Axis and Allies Naval Miniatures War at Sea game. The review tells you exactly what to expect out of this game from the pieces to playing the game. The review can become overly critical of the quality of the pieces at times but does praise the game play as "'light-years' more interesting, as a game, than Wizards recent Star Wars: Starship Battles game."


Saburo Sakai’s AAPacific Essays – #5 What’s the Difference?

One of the challenging things about playing Axis and Allies generally is the relatively complex rule systems when compared to other board games. While A&A is much simpler to learn and play than many classic hex-based war games such as Third Reich, Squad Leader or Gettysburg, it is much more complicated then a typical board game.