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GenCon SoCal Convention Report

If you've never been to a gaming convention, I highly recommend trying it at least once. Though, after you go once, you'll probably want to go again. If you live on or near the West Coast, then you should definitely check out GenCon SoCal. It is a great convention that is steadily growing each year.


Axis & Allies Battle of the Bulge on

If you're looking for a gift for that gamer you know for the holiday season, then Axis & Allies Battle of the Bulge is perfect. It's brand new, innovative, and fun to play. If you don't have a FLGS (friendly local gaming store) near you, then try Just recently Amazon began to carry Axis & Allies Battle of the Bulge in their inventory so go ahead and get it today.


Tuesday Night Updates

Starting November 7, 2006 I will be making an effort to update the site with one or more pieces of content every Tuesday night. It will range from news to articles to old and new house rules and strategies. And all new content will appear on the front page each week with icons for each type of content so that you can quickly identify and differentiate the articles.


A&A Miniatures Reserves Releases on Friday

The much awaited Axis & Allies Miniatures Reserves will be released this Friday, November 10, 2006. This set promises to be interesting by including more units from the minor countries and adding a new country, Hungary. Reserves includes interesting units such as the Fallschirmjager German paratrooper, F4U Corsair, and support units like the ammo dump and the fuel depot.