The reason not to pick a battleship in their example is that they don’t need the 2nd hit, they were talking about when they aren’t worried about being attacked.
Still sounds like bombers would counter cruisers though.
The reason not to pick a battleship in their example is that they don’t need the 2nd hit, they were talking about when they aren’t worried about being attacked.
Still sounds like bombers would counter cruisers though.
Ok I see, I misunderstood your original post. I thought you meant 50 IPCs without NOs 60 with, you meant 50-60 with NO’s
Thanks for the clarification.
Im so hungry to play more, just need to find the time.
Are you making 50+ with germany and the game isn’t already an obvious axis win?
With japan making 60ish, a 50+ germany would be a moot point I think since the game is already decided. This is more for like turn 2-3 when your income isn’t as high. Germany starts out with 30 something if I recall correctly.
Doesn’t putting so many infantry adjacent to the ocean leave you vulnerable for a mass transport attack with fighters wiping out the entire eastern Russian force in one go?
Title: The game that wouldn’t end
Date: December 22nd, 2008
Special Rules: No tech No NOs
Victor: Axis by concession since it was 1am
Game Length: 8-9 rounds 6 hours
Bias: About Even. Three players – 1 Allies (Me), 2 Axis (One less experienced then me(Germany), 1 more experienced(Italy, Japan)
Germany and Russia did the normal dance, some crazy dice(should have been playing low luck) made the front stall many times when it should have probably pushed through. Italy mixed between Africa and Europe. Germany sent a little bit to africa.
UK built fleet and then started ferrying troops to W.E
U.S is what cost me the game. I saw a chance to try to sink the Italian fleet on US 2 using 2 bombers and 2 fighters vs their regular 2 cruisers and 1 BB. I had poor luck and ended up only sinking the 2 cruisers at a cost of all my planes. that really stalled US. I had planned on SBR on italy but after that I switched to ferrying to italy.
Japan did its regular Godzilla thing. I was able to slow it down quite a bit by moving some Russians to china and blocking india with UK. They ended up mostly going the north route which took them a while.
In the end Japan just got too big and I never could hold W.E and that darn Italian navy rebuilt somewhat and they finally secured the channel via Godzilla might and got the Japanese fleet through.
Africa was mostly held by the allies the whole game.
Observations: trying to sink the Italian navy on U.S 2 via air was too risky given the randomness of dice. I need a better way to take advantage of pressure I put on W.E for russia to push forward. As it was I wasn’t able to make good ground in the east. By the time they were running out of troops, UK’s income had been whittled down so much they could only make 5 inf a turn and hodling W.E became impossible
In the few 50th games I have played, japan destroys almost all of china(Usually down to 3 territories on J1. Russias guys will be in the west most province on R1). That gives china 1 infantry on US 1. On Russia 2 I moved those russians to the province east where I had placed the chinese infantry. The japanese massed opposite to that. With all infantry and no russian fighters there was no way to attack. I was stuck then with only 1 Chinese infantry a turn until the Japanese took the province below where my units were massed. I then had to pull back to prevent them from sneaking past and I ended up stacking my russian troops on the west most province. That led to 0 chinese units a turn. I never got enough there to mount any sort of counter attack. How do you hold enough chinese territory when japan wipes out all chinese troops on turn 1?
Spending 20 ipcs a turn to be able to build a unit is pretty bad, but here is a thought. Instead of spending say 20 out of your 30(as an example) and thus getting 10 IPCs of spending, you could fall back from the front a bit and not build units that turn. On the next turn you should have 60 ipc, and you spend 20 and have 40 left. If you build twice in a row you will have spent (using the above numbers) 60 ipcs and gotten 20 ipcs of units, this way you spend 60 ipcs and get 40 ipcs worth of units.
Just a thought.
Wasn’t the crux of the argument that russia cannot defend 3 territories? So isn’t having the british nullify one of those territories for 4 damage per turn(putting it to -2, assuming the germans are reparing it) a great deal? If they don’t repair it then you used 1 turn of 1 bomber to remove the whole 3 places to defend issue.
Cannot the russians let germany have Karaliea and just move the AA gun out and bomb it every round?
Yeah triplea. I usually don’t know what I am doing a given evening until that evening comes but i can look for you or IM you or something if you want when I am available. Example tonight i may be available but not sure yet. :) Do you do lowluck? I usually play with it on because nothings worse then a 2 hour game ending because of bad luck. However im flexible ;)
This is really good info guys. Thanks a bunch. The ICs were not to be faster then tranies, but rather allow you to build more tanks since you can only transport half tanks on boats. But I may give the no ics till later strat a go since I have been doing factories for so long. I never built above the 3 on J1 like you are suggesting so that could be the difference.
Thanks for the detailed recap on germany air defense of africa Rom! Any comments on the weakened egypt retaliation due to not having the 2 extra units from italy there(since the transport went to the west?).
Also I don’t know what time zone you are in but If either of you are up for a game let me know. I happen to be free most of the morning(central time) tommrow(vacation) which may line up if you live in europe :) Otherwise i usually can only play from like 7:30CST on.
Oh a followup question for germany. What shoudl I do differently to prevent the UK landing on UK1 in africa and the US landing on US1. Should i be leaving planes in france to threaten that sea zone? Not move my BS to help with egypt so it can still hit that square?
I saw in that game replay no BS to pearl harbor, how much do people usually send to pearl?
I can see using the destroyer as a sack, but thats only one so if you don’t wipe them out the first turn you could be looking at loosing a fighter(this is assuming the sub near there is killed by british).
Also, for the build max in tokyo strat, are you building half inf half tanks? Every infantry built in japan takes about 5 turns to get to russia. Seems like having the beginig wave of inf at russia on turn 5 is kinda slow, granted your original land units will be there sooner but thats not a huge amount.
Also finally, if your using boats to constantly ship from japan, thast 4 needed, how many more do you guys buy so that you can get all the infantry off the various islands? And if your just ferrying units, what about taking australia, woudl mean you would have to buy atleast 2 more on j2.
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get as much info as I can :)
Thanks for the info. BTW i usually get a 8 ipc bid and I put 1 tank and 1 inf in africa. Is this what other people are donig?
Hey all. Whenever I play on triplea, I loose most of the time as axis. Does anyone have a saved game i can look at to see some play. I am not a bad player, I usually do all the right stuff, I’m just too slow to pressure russia, and that is what axis cannot be.
Also if anyone just wants to critique here, I will give a brief summary of what I usually do
Try to hold egypt, constantly swap with russia using planes to avoid counterattacks. Build 70/30 of inf\art and mass tanks at eastern europe. I never seem to be able to push russia past karaliea and the other 2 on a line with those.
I usually attack pearl with enough to avoid any losses, and then try to ferry infantry from the isalnds to the mainland, or africa. I try to head my navy through the canal to merge with german navy but sometimes do not make it in time before the US closes the channel via their constant invasion stream. Turn 1 I buy 3 trans and 2 inf, turn 2 i buy 2 factories. From then i start pumping inf\tanks towards russia, but I never get there fast enough. When I do get there, because germany was not able to push their troops to the west they usually have a large stack and it makes it hard to assualt.
Thanks in advance if anyone has any comments.
If people are doing many games to try to average the outcomes to determine the balance, you might as well use low luck dice. You will get a much more accurate average.
Romulus, I was referring to Rakeman, not you.
Rakeman I guess we will just disagree. If my country lost 1/2 of its population and you lost 1% and i lost less people then you, I will feel that I was much more devastated then your country. Your country will go on, mine will probably collapse.
You totally missed my point. I said percentage of total population. Thus it doesn’t matter what the total population is. What it means is that Canada lost a higher portion of their population then the U.S. For each household, they had a higher chance of a death.
P.S using the logic that somebody made fun of A so I can make fun of B is pretty weak.
Since it went mostly unaddresed, I would like to point out the following:
You can see that Canada’s % deaths vs total population was higher then the U.S
Hopefully that info is accurate, but I imagine it is.
Please don’t belittle Canada’s role in WW2