Hey, just wanted to do an after-action report before I forgot. The same group played a 1941 game last week, but since that was a week ago, I might get some of details wrong so I won’t talk about that (though, Allies won).
Title: Fascism wins the day! 1941
Date: February 16, 2009
Special Rules: Both Tech and National Objectives were used
Victor: Axis won by player concession. Axis had control of 13 cities, but it was quite clear that it was only a matter of time before the rest of the world fell.
Game Length: 8 hours. About 8 or 9 rounds. Sort of lost track there.
Bias: About equal. Germany/Italy and UK had the stronger players of about equal skill with US/Russia and Japan had the weaker partners.
Description: After realizing that the Axis wasn’t aggressive enough in the game we played last week, the Axis amped up its aggression in the initial round throwing the Allies off-balance and never allowing them to regroup (Japan used a first round strategy straight out of these forums). Good die rolls (especially in Axis tech research) helped the Axis stay on the offensive. Eventually, all of Africa fell to the Italy/Germany and Japan conquered China and was marching a small force through Russia’s back door, though that was eventually stopped by a squad of UK bombers. Still, Moscow was on the verge of falling and Russia had only 2 infantry and a submarine when we decided to call it quits. The UK and US weren’t under immediate threat, but it was obvious that over time, they would fall too.
Observations/Recommendations: As luck would have it, both Germany and the UK got both heavy bombers and long-range air in the tech which was a huge development. The UK managed to make better use this than Germany, but only because it had a bigger air fleet. But this also meant that neither Germany or the UK could invade each other. As soon as a fleet was built to transport land units for an invasion, it was utterly obliterated by the other side’s bombers. As such, both Britain and continental Europe were virtually impregnable, but since the UK was more or less stuck on an island, Germany/Italy could wipe out Africa and concentrate on the Soviet Union which eventually succumbed to the attacks. Meanwhile, Japan and the U.S. fought over Iwo Jima several times while the rest of the Japanese fleet conquered the rest of the Pacific and a couple land units controlled most of eastern Asia. At the end, Japan had virtually no army in Asia, but a huge swath of territory allowing it to be the biggest economic power in the game by far. I (I was the U.K.) suspected that the Axis would probably win by the end of the third turn, but it took a few more turns before it was completely obvious.