Tomorrow i will be playing my first game. I will be Japan.
I’ve been reading the forums about what to do as Japan and there are all sorts of ideas.
I’ve made some sort of strategy that involves taking China and India at the end of turn 4, with India falling at the latest of turn 5.
However, this involves, that at the beginning, i am marching away with some troops in Manchuria towards China territories.
Would you say this is a safe move? Is it a common Japan move to kill those 18 Russian infantry? Or should i just ignore them?
My plan is to go in China/India while keeping US at bay, not allowing them to take the Carolines.
Rounds 4-6 is when i also plan to take the East Indies islands.
The thing is, i can’t seem to be able to take China/India fast enough if i don’t take some troops from Manchuria at the beginning and if i don’t attack the 18 Russian infantry at Amur.
So, my main question is, should i or should i not ignore the Russian troops in Amur?
My second question would be: When should i use the kamikaze thing? Which do you think are the best situations?
And, a request, if you have some japan tips for me please let me know :)
Many thanks,