So I have only played this game once (played '41 a handful of times), and I was playing someone who was also playing her first time on '40 (but also had played '41). Now, I certainly do not think to be an A&A genius, but my strategy in this game has not been discussed, so I wonder what is wrong with it, and/or how it could be easily countered by someone with more experience.
As the Allies, I was getting it handed to me in Russia (she was a little too aggressive and sent much of her Eastern defense to support in Russia, when eventually led to her getting taken by the US/UK from behind, but here nor there). I decided to take some infantry from the IC I had built in Egypt up through the Med to take Greece (+4 INF, +2 IPC), take Albania (+1 IPC), and take Yugoslavia (+5 INF, +2 IPC), which put me +9 INF/+5 IPC, on the front door of Italy, and behind the German advance, effectively creating a second front of the second front.