how many territories did Germany lose while trying to take out Russia?. in a game i played i send both a large German force and most of the Austrians against Russia and i still could not take it had it to Moscow but could not defeat them as they can build there every turn right in the battle. The reason i ask how many territories Germany lost in the west is my line with France was secure the whole time, did not lose a German Provence, dose this mean i should of send much more Germans? i just find its hard to conceive Germany doing Russia in without Austrian help and still holding against France and Britain.
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RE: Need input on how cp can win, or is it just sheer luck if they do?
RE: Need input on how cp can win, or is it just sheer luck if they do?
I guess i will just dedicate more troops to the east as the Germans its hard to calculate the right balance, i could not send more as Austria as i had put all i could east and italy was at the gates of Vienna, anyone have luck with German transports sending troops to Russia to knock it out quicker?
Need input on how cp can win, or is it just sheer luck if they do?
I played one game with friends, CP got there asses kicked, problem was they split forces up sent half east half west both assaults failed to do much France started getting strong and British troops poured into belguim, russia was no where near taken out and austria had only taken Venice and like one russian territory, ottomen where just managing to drive off the british so could not help anywhere else. so after this game i played 2 games with myself set up the bored and tried to figure out a CP strategy, first i tried to smash france with all i had, i sent most troops from Germany against them and Austria put all its weight into Italy. what happend was that i had only made minor inroads into France my supplie lines of new men did not get there fast enough and it slowed down same with italy but they did get Venice and about to take Piedmont. russia got to powerful as i neglected it to try to take out france fast… second game also playing myself, i tryed to take out russia fast this worked out better but i still did not take moscow, Britain sent troops up to north russia. and my reinforcements got to slow. in the west i was holding ok but not good enough to make an attack i now had no hope of taking out russia. if i kept playing i might have won some how but it seemed grim… so tried to take out france did not work tried to take out russia did not work tried to split forces the worst idea it got nothing done. so i dont know what to do as cp ?? any ideas also both games i used the German navy to take out British navy turn one this worked good i then pulled back but could not attack again as france put its ships in UK waters to defend . my only ideas are maybe use german transports to put troops in northern Russia. thanks