I am in Maui right now with an iPad I don’t understand how to use at a Starbucks with free wifi. This is last day of ten day vacation. I brought copy of 1914 to look at in spare time. I wrote up 2 essays on navy and rails issues and can’t figure out how to post them as I wrote them up as emails. I will figure this out when I get back to mainland I guess.
Anyway, concerning rails i think new units arriving anywhere in home country as a mobilization center duplicates history as rail use and should be incorporated.
I also think that moving a group of six units from one non contested location to another in Europe only in the movement phase as movement for those units involved constitutes the actual scale of use for all historical use contestants. Except the Germans who actually used it more and better. The Austro Hungarians and Russians made hilarious mistakes in their rail use. I think this would also be a way to show a German strength compared to the other powers by adding an attrition die roll to this type of strategic move varying as to quality of nationality moving.