bring back the Hellcat and a Russian Artillery (not US artillery done in russian color)

Best posts made by Yavid
RE: If you could choose any TWO new unit sculpts, what would they be?
RE: You May Be A WWII Junkie
If you were watching Discovery Channel’s Wings and Field of Armor instead of Saturday morning cartoons as a teen, you may be a WW2 junkie.
I’ll 2nd that.
RE: Painting pieces!
if i painted pieces I would paint the Russians in the Snow/Camo look
Full List of A&A pieces
Infantry: all basic A&A games
Infantry: '14
Infantry with FG-42: HBG
Infantry with Field Cap: HBG
Infantry with Panzerfaust: HBG
Commandos: Enemy on the HorizonBlockhouse: D-day
Opel Blitz Truck: BotB
Opel Maultier Trucks w/ Tracks: HBG
Landmines: Table Tactics
Landing Craft: Table Tactics
V2 Rockets: Table Tactics
Machine Gun: Table Tactics
Armored Troop Carriers: Table Tactics88mm Flak 36 AA: Spring '42.2, Europe '40.2
Sdkfz-251 Mechanized Infantry: Europe '40, Europe '40.2, HBG
232 Armored Cars: HBG
Jeep: Table Tactics
Half-Tracks: Table Tactics88mm Artillery: Revised, Europe '99, D-day, BotB, Europe '40, AA50
10.5cm LeFH 18 Artillery: Spring '42.2, Europe 40.2, HBG
Artillery: '14
Morser 210 Heavy Artillery: HBG
Hummel Self-Propelled Artillery: HBG
Artillery: Table Tactics
Artillery: Enemy on the HorizonArmor: Classic
Panther Tank: Revised, Europe '99, D-day, BotB, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Tiger 1 Tank: '41, HBG
Tank: '14
Panzer II Tank: HBG
38t Tank: HBG
Panzer III: HBG
Stug IIIG Tank Destroyers: HBG
Mark II Tank: Table Tactics
Hovercraft: Table Tactics
M1 Tank: Table TacticsJu-52 Transport Plane: HBG
Helicopter: Table TacticsFighter: Classic
Ju-87 Stuka Fighter: Revised, Europe '99
Bf-109 Fighter: BotB, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Fw-190 Fighter: '41, HBG
Bi-plane Fighter: '14
Me-262 Fighter: HBG
Jet Fighter: Table Tactics
Heavy Fighter: Table Tactics
Fighter Jet: Table TacticsJu-87 Tactical Bomber: Europe '40, Europe '40.2
Bf-110 Tactical Bomber: HBGBomber: Classic
Ju-88: Revised, Europe '99, BotB, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
He-111 Bomber: '41
Do-17 Bomber: HBG
Ju-488 Bomber: HBG
Super Bomber: Table TacticsTransport: Classic
Danzig Class Transport: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Yamazuki Maru Transport: '41
Transport: '14Submarine: Classic
Type VII Submarine: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Kaichu Type Submarine: '41
Submarine: '14
Type XXI Submarine: HBGZerstorer 1934 Class Destroyer: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Akitsuki Class Destroyer: '41
Destroyer: Table Tactics
Destroyer: Enemy on the HorizonHipper Class Cruiser: Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Cruiser: '14
Cruiser: Table TacticsAircraft Carrier: Classic
Graf Zeppelin class Aircraft Carrier: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Akagi Aircraft Carrier: '41
Seydlitz: HBGBattleship: Classic
Bismark class Battleship: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Kongo Class Battleship: '41
Battleship: '14
Schleswig Holstein Battleship: HBG -
RE: German T-34s
did you hear about the P-38 they found in Greenland? it was buried in all the ice.
RE: Full List of A&A pieces
Infantry: All Basic A&A Games
Infantry: '14
Infantry w/ M36 Helmet: HBG
Commandos: Enemy on the HorizonGaz-AAA Truck: HBG
Landmine: Table Tactics
Landing Craft: Table Tactics
V2 Rockets: Table Tactics
Machine Gun: Table Tactics85mm M1939 AA Gun: Spring '42, Europe '40.2
Zis-42 Mechanized Infantry: Europe '40, Europe '40.2
Ba-6 Armored Car: HBG
Gaz-60 Mechanized Infantry: HBG
Jeep: Table Tactics
Half-Tracks: Table Tactics
Armored Troop Carriers: Table Tactics105mm Artillery: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42.2, AA50
152mm Howtizer Artillery: Europe '40.2
Artillery: '14
122mm M-30 Artillery: HBG
Kaytusha SP Artillery: HBG
Artillery: Table Tactics
Artillery: Enemy on the HorizonArmor: Classic
T-34 Tank: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
JS-2 Tank: '41
Tank: '14
T-26 Tank: HBG
T-34/76 Tank: HBG
Su-76 Tank Destroyer: HBG
Mark II Tank: Table Tactics
Hovercraft: Table Tactics
M1 Tank: Table TacticsYak-6 Transport Plane: HBG
Helicopter: Table TacticsFighter: Classic
Yak-1 Fighter: Revised, Europe '99, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
P-40 Warhawk Fighter: '41
Bi-plane Fighter: '14
I-16 Fighter: HBG
Fighter Jet: Table Tactics
Heavy Fighter: Table Tactics
Jet Fighter: Table TacticsIL-2 Tactical Bomber: Europe '40, Europe '40.2
Su-2 Tactical Bomber: HBGBomber: Classic
Pe-8 Bomber: Revised, Europe '99, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Avro Lancaster: '41
IL-4 Bomber: HBG
Tu-4 Super Bomber: Table TacticsTransport: Classic
Liberty Ship Transport: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, AA50
Baltic Timber Ship Transport: Europe '40.2
Fort Class Transport: '41
Transport: '14Submarine: Classic
Ray Class Submarine: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, AA50
S Class Submarine: Spring '42, Europe '40.2
U Class Submarine: '41
Submarine: '14Johnston Class Destroyer: Revised, Europe '99, AA50
Gnevny Class Destroyer: Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2
Sumner Class Destroyer: '41
Destroyer: Table Tactics
Destroyer: Enemy on the HorizonKirov Class Cruiser: Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2
Cruiser: '14
Cruiser: Table Tactics
Country Class Cruiser: AA50Aircraft Carrier: Classic
Illustrious Class Aircraft Carrier: Revised, Europe '99, Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2, AA50
Kostromitinova Aircraft Carrier: '41Battleship: Classic
Royal Oak: Revised, Europe '99, AA50
Gangut Class Battleship: Europe '40, Spring '42, Europe '40.2
Admiral Class Battleship: '41
Battleship: '14 -
RE: Full List of A&A pieces
Infantry: All basic A&A games
Infantry: '14
Paratroopers: HBG
Commandos: Enemy on the Horizon
Heavy Infantry: HBGType 94 6-Wheel Trucks: HBG
Landmine: Table Tactics
Landing Craft: Table Tactics
V2 Rockets: Table Tactics
Machine Gun: Table TacticsAnti-Aircraft Gun: Guadalcanal
Type 88 75mm AA Gun: Spring '42, Pacific '40.2251 Halftrack Mechanized Infantry: Pacific '40
Type 1 Mechanized Infantry: Pacific '40.2, HBG
Type 92 6-Wheel Armored Cars: HBG
Jeep: Table Tactics
Half Tracks: Table Tactics
Armored Troop Carriers: Table TacticsType 92 70mm Artillery: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Artillery: '14
Type 4 Ho-Ro SP Artillery: HBG
Artillery: Table Tactics
Artillery: Enemy on the Horizon
Type 89 Cannon Heavy Artillery: HBGArmor: Classic
Type 95 Ha-Go Tank: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50, HBG
Tiger I: '41
Tank: '14
Type 3 Ho-Ni III Tank Destroyers: HBG
Mark II Tank: Table Tactics
Hovercraft: Table Tactics
M1 Tank: Table Tactics
Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha Med TanksKi-57 Topsy Transport Planes: HBG
Helicopter: Table TacticsFighter: Classic
A6M Zero Fighter: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Fw-190 Fighter: '41
Bi-plane Fighter: '14
Ki-61 Tony Army Fighters: HBG
Jet Fighter: Table Tactics
Heavy Fighter: Table Tactics
Fighter Jet: Table Tactics
Ki-43 Oscar Early War Army Fighters: HBGD3A “Val” Tactical Bomber: Pacific '40, Pacific 40.2, HBG
B5N Kate Torpedo Bombers: HBGBomber: Classic
G4M “Betty” Bomber: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
He-111 Bomber: '41
G8N Rita: HBG
Super Bomber: Table TacticsTransport: Classic
Hakusan Maru Transport: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Yamazuki Maru Transport: '41
Transport: '14Submarine: Classic
“I” Class Submarine: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Kaichu Type Submarine: '41
Submarine: '14
I-400 Submarines: HBGFubuki Class Destroyer: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Akitsuki Class Destroyer: '41
Destroyer: Table Tactics
Destroyer: Enemy on the Horizon
Kagero Destroyers: HBGTakao Class Cruiser: Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Cruiser: '14
Cruiser: Table Tactics
Nagara Light Cruisers: HBG
Mogami Heavy Cruisers: HBGAircraft Carrier: Classic
Shinano Class Aircraft Carrier: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50
Akagi Aircraft Carrier: '41
Ryujo: HBG
Kaga: HBG
Unryu Fleet Carriers: HBGBattleship: Classic
Yamato Class Battleship: Revised, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Pacific '40, Spring '42, Pacific '40.2, AA50, HBG
Kongo Class Battleship: '41
Battleship: '14
Fuso Class Battleship: HBG
Nagato Battleships: HBG -
RE: Full List of A&A pieces
Infantry: All basic A&A Games
Marine: Pacific '01
Paratroopers: HBG
Marine with Rifle: HBG
Marine with Flame Thrower: HBG
Commandos: Table Tactics
Infantry: '14GMC Truck: BotB
Mack Trucks: HBG
Landmines: Table Tactics
Landing Craft: Table Tactics
V2 Rockets: Table Tactics
Machine Gun: Table Tactics
Armor Personal Carrier: Table Tactics
Fatman Nuclear BombM3 Halftrack Mechanized Infantry: Global '40, Global '40.2
Jeep: Table Tactics
Halftrack: Table TacticsAnti-Aircraft Gun: Guadalcanal
90mm M1 AA Gun: Spring '42, Global '40.2105mm Artillery: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Priest SP Artillery: HBG
Artillery: Table Tactics
Artillery: Table Tactics
Artillery: '14Armor: Classic
Sherman Tank: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
IS-2 Tank: '41
Stuart Tank: HBG
Hellcat Tank Destroyers: HBG
Sherman Flame Tank: HBG
LVT(A)-1 Amphibs: HBG
Mark II Tank: Table Tactics
Hovercraft: Table Tactics
M1 Tank: Table Tactics
Tank: '14C-46 Commando Transport Plane: HBG
Helicopter: Table TacticsFighter: Classic
P-38 Fighter: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2
Hellcat Fighter: Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, AA50
P-40 Warhawk: '41, HBG
P-51 Mustang: HBG
F4U Corsair Fighters: HBG
Jet Fighter: Table Tactics
Heavy Fighter: Table Tactics
Fighter Jet: Table Tactics
Bi-plane Fighter: '14SBD Dauntless Tactical Bomber: Global '40, Global '40.2
Avenger Tactical Bomber: HBGBomber: Classic
B-17 Bomber: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Avro Lancaster: '41
B-25 Bomber: HBG
B-29 Super Bomber: Table Tactics, HBGTransport: Classic
Liberty Class Transport: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Fort Class Transport: '41
Transport: '14Submarine: Classic
Ray Class Submarine: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
U Class Submarine: '41Johnston Class Destroyer: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Sumner Class Destroyer: '41
Destroyer: Table Tactics
Destroyer: Table TacticsPortland Class Cruiser: Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Cruiser: Table Tactics
Cruiser: '14Aircraft Carrier: Classic
Wasp Class Aircraft Carrier: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Kostromitinova Aircraft Carrier: '41
Casablanca Class Aircraft Carrier: HBGBattleship: Classic
Iowa Class Battleship: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Guadalcanal, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Nevada Class Battleship: HBG
Admiral Class Battleship: '41
Battleship: '14China:
Infantry: Pacific '01
Infantry: Pacific '40, Pacific '40.2
Infantry: AA50 -
RE: Full List of A&A pieces
Infantry: All basic A&A games
Paratrooper: HBG
Commandos: Enemy on the Horizon
Commando Infantry: HBGMack Trucks: HBG
Landmines: Table Tactics
Landing Craft: Table Tactics
V2 Rockets: Table Tactics
Machine Gun: Table Tactics3.7 in QFAA: Spring '42, Global '40.2
M3 Halftrack Mechanized Infantry: Global '40
Priest Mechanized Infantry: Global '40.2
Jeep: Table Tactics
Halftracks: Table Tactics
Armored Personal Carrier: Table Tactics
Humber Scout Car: HBG
Kangaroo Mech Infantry: HBG105mm Artillery: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Global '40, AA50
Ordnance QF 25pdr Artillery: Spring '42, Global '40.2, HBG
Priest SP Artillery: HBG
Artillery: Table Tactics
Artillery: Enemy on the Horizon
Sexton SP Artillery: HBGArmor: Classic
Sherman Tank: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB,
Maltilda II Tank: Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
IS-2 Tank: '41
Stuart Tank: HBG
Hellcat Tank Destroyers: HBG
Mark II Tank: Table Tactics
Hovercraft: Table Tactics
M1 Tanks: Table Tactics
Valentine MkV Medium Tank: HBG
Churchill Heavy Tank: HBGC-46 Commando Transport Plane: HBG
Helicopter: Table TacticsFighter: Classic
Spitfire: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
P-40 Warhawk: '41, HBG
P-51 Mustang: HBG
Jet Fighter: Table Tactics
Heavy Fighter: Table Tactics
Fighter Jet: Table Tactics
Hawker Hurricane Fighter: HBG
Fairy Swordfish Naval Fighter: HBGMosquito Tactical Bomber: Global '40, Global '40.2
Avenger Torpedo Bombers: HBG
Fairy Barracuda Naval Tactical Bomber: HBGBomber: Classic
Halifax Bomber: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, D-day, BotB, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Avro Lancaster: '41
B-25 Bomber: HBG
Super Bomber: Table Tactics
Short Sterling Heavy Bombers: HBGTransport: Classic
Liberty Class Transport: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Fort Class: '41Submarine: Classic
Ray Class Submarine: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Global '40, AA50
U Class Submarine: '41
T Class Submarine: Spring '42, Global '40.2Johnston Class Destroyer: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Global '40, AA50
Sumner Class Destroyer: '41
S Class Destroyer: Spring '42, Global '40.2
Destroyer: Table Tactics
Destroyer: Enemy on the HorizonCountry Class Cruiser: Global '40, Spring '42, Global '42.2, AA50
Cruiser: Table TacticsAircraft Carrier: Classic
Illustrious Class Aircraft Carrier: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Kostromitinova Aircraft Carrier: '41
Casablanca Class Aircraft Carrier: HBG
Ark Royal Aircraft Carrier: HBGBattleship: Classic
Royal Oak: Revised, Europe '99, Pacific '01, Global '40, Spring '42, Global '40.2, AA50
Admiral Class Battleship: '41
Nevada Class Battleship: HBG
King George V Battleship: HBG -
RE: Full List of A&A pieces
Infantry: Pacific '40
Infantry: Pacific '40.2
Paratrooper: HBG
Commando Infantry: HBGMack Truck: HBG
3.7 in QFAA: Pacific '40.2
M3 Halftrack Mechanized Infantry: Pacific '40
Kangaroo Mechanized Infantry: Pacific '40.2, HBG
Humber MkII Scout Car: HBG105mm Artillery: Pacific '40
BL 5.5 Inch Artillery: Pacific '40.2
Priest SP Artillery: HBG
25 Pdr. Artillery: HBG
Sexton SP Artillery: HBGMatilda Tank: Pacific '40
AC 1 Sentinel Tank: Pacific '40.2
Stuart Tank: HBG
Hellcat Tank Destroyers: HBG
Valentine MkV Medium Tank: HBG
Churchill Heavy Tank: HBGC-46 Commando Transport Plane: HBG
Spitfire Fighter: Pacific '40
CA-12 Fighter: Pacific '40.2
P-40 Fighter: HBG
P-51 Mustang Fighter: HBG
Hawker Hurricane Fighter: HBG
Fairy Swordfish Naval Fighter: HBGMosquito Tactical Bomber: Pacific '40
Bristol Beaufort Tactical Bomber: Pacific '40.2
Avenger Torpedo Bomber: HBG
Fairy Barracuda Naval Tactical Bomber: HBGHalifax Bomber: Pacific '40
PV-1 Bomber: Pacific '40.2
B-25 Bomber: HBG
Short Sterlings Heavy Bombers: HBGLiberty Class Transport: Pacific '40
Monowai Transport: Pacific '40.2Ray Class Submarine: Pacific '40
S Class Submarine: Pacific '40.2Johnston Class Destroyer: Pacific '40
Tribal Class Destroyer: Pacific '40.2Country Class Cruiser: Pacific '40
Illustrious Class Aircraft Carrier: Pacific '40
Majestic Class Aircraft Carrier: Pacific '40.2
Casablanca Class Aircraft Carrier: HBG
Ark Royal Fleet Carrier: HBGRoyal Oak Battleship: Pacific '40
Warspite Battleship: Pacific '40.2
Nevada Class Battleship: HBG
King George V Battleship: HBG
Latest posts made by Yavid
RE: Subjective Complaints about AAZ (Zombies are stupid thread)
My thinking is this: Zombies, really zombies, you have got to be kidding me! There is a 0% chance I will ever play this game with zombies on the board. The only chance in the world is if zombies get switched out for partisans, because zombies are F***ing stupid.
PS…. All that is the nice way of what I have been saying out loud to my wife about the game. She’s laughing at me so hard she’s going to pee herself.
RE: Subjective Complaints about AAZ (Zombies are stupid thread)
My thinking is this: Zombies, really zombies, you have got to be kidding me! There is a 0% chance I will ever play this game with zombies on the board. The only chance in the world is if zombies get switched out for partisans, because zombies are F***ing stupid.
RE: War Pens
They are hand made and open to some customization. The cost for the material for each style is also different. So pinning down an exact price is next to impossible. That being said they would run anywhere from $40 to $80 depending on which theme and what material someone would want used.