A friend and I’ve recently added tech to our games but we’ve made our own house rules for it. First we created a new facility, called a research lab that costs 15 ipc and can only be placed where there are victory cities. The labs can be damaged just as an airbase or port can be. They are repaired normally and cease functioning at 3 damage. Once you have purchased them, they can not be destroyed. Also each power may only buy 1 research lab. Once owned and after the round it is placed, that power may roll for technology. If the lab is at two damage or less, then the player gets one free roll for a six to see if their power gets a breakthrough. The player may buy additional dice at 5 ipc, but may never roll more dice on a single turn than the value of the territory where the research lab is. Regardless of the number of successful research rolls obtained on any given turn, a player may roll on the breakthrough chart only once per turn. Successes are not saved. Also in order to buy additional research dice the research lab must be at two or less damage. This rule made it so that we had to change the sequence of the turn order. First is repair, then research, then purchase and continue as normal. Max damage for labs is a 6. As for the breakthrough tables: we roll our D6 first, then choose one of the two. If I roll a 2, I choose between rockets and jet power. If I choose rockets and roll a 2 again, I am stuck with rockets. If I roll a 2 again on the breakthrough chart, I roll until I don’t get a 2. Normally neither of us buys more additional dice, unless the tech is needed desperately. Even then there’s limited control in what you get. I like tech, and as the rules are, I see it as a waste of money. With these rules the research lab pays for itself in three turns, and after 6 turns it should yield 1 successful research. Thought, questions, comments?