I’ve seen one succesful Sealion attempt in 6 games, and that happened because the british player made some mistakes and made it easy to make the attack, even though the thread was quite clear. Even though it was a succes, the Luftwaffe was hit hard. It might be doable even if the british player will see the threat, but the cost will become too high and the russian front will suffer a lack of reinforcements I think.
I’ve got another question. My friends and I noticed, that after playing several games with OOB or Alpha+2 rules, the Allies will win if they make no huge mistakes. So far only 2 times the Axis won. The first time it happened due to the above mistake, the second the same player outmanouvered himself with his russian troops and the germans could reach Moscow. Both actions could have been preventend and even with those mistakes, the USA never could unleash its real power because the alliance called it a game…as Axis player i didnt mind but I think even with the loss of Moscow or London the Allies have a fair chance to get back.
Do you use any kind of rules to balance the game a bit more (we are gonna try the +2 inf for russia instead of +9 ipc’s, maybe use the OOB turn order)? Since we think the Axis, with a small mistake or some bad rolls against france or the british fleet, are doomed to loose over and over, while the power of britain and russia alone is enough to hold the Axis off. We arent the most experienced players and maybe we need to learn more…