Hey all, long time reader, first time poster.
I’m playing Alpha+ with my friend next week and thought I’d try this strategy with Germany to really throw his Russia off balance.
G1: French IPCs
Buy: Major IC in Romania
Destroy UK fleet with Luftwaffe/subs and Baltic Fleet in 109, 110, 111 and 112
Take Yugoslavia
Take France - net extra IPCS.
Grab Finland and Bulgaria
2 Inf from Germany move to Finland (via 115) on tranny
Italy 1 takes Southern France (in exchange for Ger taking Bulgaria + more surviving forces from France)
G2: Set up
Buy: 1 BB, 1 Cruiser, 2 Transports (maybe 3?), remaining IPCs on Inf for Romania
Take Normandy
Non-Normandy tanks move Eastward
Army in Yugoslavia (approx 9 inf + change) and 4 inf in Yugo all move to Romania
Tranny (if it survives UK 1, which it might considering it’s in 115 and there’s a prime fleet target in 112) goes back to Germany again and 2 more inf into Finland.
Place new fleet in black sea. Inf on Romania.
G3: Operation Barbarossa
Buy: Infantry/Mech/Tanks for Romania
The goal here is that Russia now has a large stack in Finland to worry about, with an air force in range, but more importantly he now has Ukraine, Rostov and the Caucasus all within range of a G3 attack with air forces and either 4 or 6 inf from the Black Sea, and a major army in Romania. Thus he can’t leave these three territories undefended (as he normally would for a defensive line against Romania). As Stalingrad has only a minor, he’s going to have to choose from diverting forces from the North to the South. For defense, with a BB and a Cruiser, I’m hoping that’s a hard decision about sacking his air force to take out the fleet (Indian Ftrs are out of range). AND it’s still a bonus even if Russia does attack the fleet. Yes Ger loses more TUV, but the loss of that Russia air force will cripple his counter attacks on land across the board.
Even without the Black Sea fleet annoying him, the Wehrmacht originating from Romania and heading straight for Russia is dangerous. My route would be Eastern Poland, Western Ukraine, Bryansk, Russia, which still puts the major army in range of the three Southern ‘bread and butter’ 2 IPC territories (if need be). Russia has to support Stalingrad with the amphibious landings happening in these territories each turn. Ideally this overwhelms Stalingrad, as the main German force is putting constant pressure directly on Russia.
If he diverts from the North, Germany has the option of engaging with large stack that has been in Finland, further splitting Russia’s forces.
Got this tactic from How Hitler Could Have Won WWII where a general proposes not invading Russia by land, but an amphibious assault directly for the rich oil fields of the Caucasus. Hitler didn’t listen to him (thank goodness for the free world); however, it might work in G40!