On the game aid for Alpha 2 (or .2?) it says that most NOs are only activated when at war, and then a couple are only available while neutral. For the “at war” ones, who does the country have to be at war with? Anyone? For example, is the UK Pacific NO, “5 IPCs when the UK controls all original Pacific territories”, only active while at war with Japan? Or is it active while at war with ANY Axis power, as they start at war with Italy and Germany?

Latest posts made by hewhoisnickel
RE: Axis&Allies Risk style
Well, I played a game of this with 3 other people, and it was pretty awesome. My capital was Paris (I picked second), and the others (in order of picking) were DC, Istanbul and Stockholm. The early game was a great time for me, since I had the most valuable territories on the board at my doorstep, uncontested. However, controlling these territories (from Spain to Poland to Italy) situated me directly in the middle of all three enemies. The Swedes and I traded Polish and German territories again and again, the Turks conquered the Balkans and put pressure on Italy, and America landed in Spain and Britain. Things were not looking good.
I won a decisive battle against the Turks in Northern Italy, crushing almost the entirely of their western army. I pushed them back out of the Balkans, and put an army in Greece to keep them in check. This, however, didn’t last long. They had tons of cash flowing in from the rich Middle Eastern territories and the many Russian territories. It was only a matter of time until the Balkans once again became Turkish.
The northern front didn’t look so good either. I faced such large amounts of pressure from America that I had to pull back out of Berlin in order to stop them. Sweden became stronger after having been consistently the weakest since the beginning of the game. I was the weakest, limited to Southern Italy, all of France, and Holland/Belgium.
This was when things turned around (we’re quite far in now). Sweden shared a long border with the superpower Turkey, and its Atlantic provinces were weak and within reach of the American fleet in Britain. Even Turkey faced some danger, with a small American fleet making its way into a nearly empty Mediterranean. America landed in Norway with a strong force, forcing Sweden to build a defensive army at home instead of putting its money into the war with Turkey. As such, Turkey conquered Novgorod and the German/Polish provinces in just a couple turns. Sweden itself fell to America shortly after.
While all of this was happening, I had a mini-resurgence. America, knowing Turkey was a greater threat and that there was no way I threatened any of his overseas territories, ignored me completely, giving up Spain in order to have a larger army with which to attack coastal Turkish territories. I conquered Spain and Italy while America conquered Leningrad, Western Germany and Cairo in quick succession (with some luck). The game continued for a little while with the pushing back of America and France (it was starting to get boring), so we stopped and we agreed that Turkey would have won eventually.
It was, all in all, a very fun game. However, to make it more fair, I’d give different starting locations different starting units. Stockholm, for example, needs a bonus, and definitely a transport without troops taken away.
RE: Axis & Allies: Victories and the Victor Poll
People are playing to slow ;)
RE: China can become a monster
The problem with ignoring China is the fact that for the first 2-3 turns, Japan will only be at war with China and maybe Russia. It’s better to use the land and air unit to crush China and the Siberian forces until at war with the Allies, rather than retreating onto transports and getting into position to attack the Allies.
RE: Hypothetical Scenario
You mean Moscow, right? And if Japan is contained and about to fall and Italy is mediocre (even, perhaps, fairly powerful), the US and UK should be able to take down the Axis without Russia. As long as the Allies crush Japan quickly, set up a US major in Korea and start raiding Atlantic and Mediterranean Axis territories ASAP, they will stand a fighting chance, if not a great one.
RE: How do you rate A&A pacific 1940
He was agreeing with you, saying that what you said, and what he was quoting, was true. At least I’m 90% sure he was.
By the way, I agree with you too.
RE: Axis&Allies Risk style
This actually sounds like a lot of fun, filled with possibilities. However, I’d probably make it so everyone says which victory city they want (everyone picks a different one) and then we write them all down on little slips of paper, put them in a hat or something, and pick them randomly.
How long would you say one of these games takes, on average?
RE: China can become a monster
Thanks for the responses guys…
I’m thinking of testing this in my next game of Global, with these rules:
-Chinese units may fly over and enter Allied territories on the Pacific board once the owner of the territory is at war with Japan. If the Axis control the said territory and China is at war with that Axis power, China may attack it.
-Chinese units may fly over and enter Allied territories on the Europe board once BOTH China and the owner of the territory is at war with the European Axis powers. If the Axis controls the said territory and China is at war with that Axis power, China may attack it.
-Chinese units may board Allied transports just like any Allied units can enter a transport of an ally.
-China may only build units in originally Chinese territories, with the same limitations as before. -
RE: So if the Alpha setup becomes standard…...
Well, I was assuming he was referring to alpha plus… must one refer to it as alpha plus for clarity even though alpha is obsolete? As alpha is completely obsolete, can’t alpha plus just be referred to as alpha?
RE: Just got E40
As Italy, put everything you’ve got into taking Egypt, and more importantly, taking and keeping Gibraltar.
As Germany, either go for Sealion or go all out against Russia ASAP. G2 is my usual turn for attacking Russia when I don’t go for Sealion, and often even if I do. Russia becomes just too powerful if you leave it alone.
As UK, defend UK. If Sealion is averted, put pressure on German France and Italian Africa.
As US, crush some fascists.
As Russia, defend for your life and don’t leave any gaps.
As France… get really lucky rolls.
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