A couple scenarios im still a little fuzzy on if you could clarify for me
Paratroopers and blitzing tanks.
A tank blitzes Territory A into territory B. Bomber picks up infantry to fly the same route as the tank. Are they requried to stop and attack Territory A since it was hostile before the tank blitz, or does the blitz allow the paratrooper & bomber to continue into territory B to attack since the territory became friendly by the tank?
Destroyer and transport attack Destroyer and transport.
Scenario A: Attacking destroyers hits, defending destroyer also hits, both transports survive.
Scenario B: Attacking destroyer misses, defending destroyer hits. Does the attacking transport have the option of retreat if a valid sea zone is available?
Scenario C: Attacking destroyer hits, defending destroyer misses. Does the defending transport automatically die or are the attackers allowed to retreat since they only scored 1 hit on the defending destroyer? (General combat, step 5 page 19 of the rulebook)
Ive been up late and my head hurts. Thanks tho!