Title: Technology Rules? Yeah, Okay. (1941)
Date: February 23, 2009
Special Rules: NO and Tech.
Victor: Draw. An Allied player dropped out so we stopped.
Game Length: 6 hours - 4 or 5 rounds.
Bias: About Even, the two veteran players were split up. Me as Axis was paired with newbie.
The Germans exploded out, gaining all thier National Objectives, and kept them for the remainder of the game. They kept major pressure on the Russia by streaming forces across the Eastern Front. Besides a horrendous first turn at Sea, the navy recovered later in the game. Not much ground was taken after reaching the gates of Moscow due to the stacking, but Caucasus was taken late in the game but returned.
The Russians did well to stem the tide of combat. They got Rockets in the middle of the game which was an annoyance to placing troops into Karelia. They stemmed the Japanese tide at Bury and never relented.
Japan expanded a lot but played a more conservative game. They ended up with a nearly destroyed China and a weakened British Empire. Their fleet was growing quite large and prepping to engage the US fleet.
The Brits had a shamble of a game. They did good to protect their empire, but made some bad attempts in France and the Atlantic, losing their fleet towards the end to German Bombers and the Italian navy.
The Italians did good, without ever really expanding into Africa. They helped support Germany in France and were a pain in the British side.
USA Did well, building up a large navy and prepping it for the assault on Japan. They made a late game mistake, wasting 15 IPCs on an IC in Brazil for no reason. They used their Bombers to harass the German economy, but to no real effect.
Observations/Recommendations: This game, although every major power bought it, there wasn’t much tech until later in the game, and only the Allies were successful with it. The NOs really add something else to the game, and allow for more interesting games. I was amazed at how much money Germany could make with it’s NOs. I was so glad to be able to pump out so many troops.
On a side note, Could the AA gun in Caucasus (If Russia has rockets) fire upon the IC in Rome?