I only found the one which was a new tech. But I didn’t see any stats for it like cost, move, attack and defend.
Latest posts made by Bonus_Bonus
RE: Need help with custom unit design: Anti-Tank Gun
Need help with custom unit design: Anti-Tank Gun
I want to make a new unit for classic/revised Axis and Allies called the Anti-Tank Gun. I am thinking about making a land unit type of piece like an Artillery instead of a stationary unit like an AA gun. I need to come up with the stats like Cost, Move, Attack and Defend.
Some additional rules would be that it can only attack land units (can’t shoot planes), and you can’t win a territory with just an ATG. It has no additional range besides the property that it is attacking. Can’t fire Rockets. Movement of 2 spaces.
But about the Attack and Defend? Should it be something that is strong on attack and defence, but would be expensive, like 4 Attack/4 Defend and 10 IPC’s? Or should it only be strong on attacks like rolling a 3 or 4, but weak on defense rolling a 2 or less, but costs alittle less, maybe 4-6 IPC’s?
What do you think?
Questions about the playing pieces in Axis and Allies
What is the size of the playing pieces for Axis and Allies and Fortress America? Is there a scale for inches as well as mm?
A&A and FA both have units that are the same size….What games are out there that have units in that same size?
I know of table tactics, but are there any other sites that sell units in that size.
I am trying to collect games and pieces that are all the same size. A&A, FA, and the table tactic pieces are all the same size…I am looking for information related to that.
Two house rules we used to play Classic by
This is what I mentioned in my post below about my house rules. So many found memories playing the game. I made many modifications and forced my friends to play test them. We had many extra units that cost more than the basics so I always thought there had to be a way to still buy the extravagant units while getting the basic grunt pieces you always need. Thus Auto-Buy was born…my friends and I would chant Auto-Buy, Auto-Buy, 1-800-Auto-Buy!
So when your turn starts before you buy new units, you roll one die. Compare the results on the chart below and add the results with your newly purchased units
1–6 Inf
2–5 Inf + 1 Tank
3–4 Inf
4–4 Inf
5–5 Inf + 2 Tanks
6–6 InfMy friends and I used to play with 8 sided dice, but this is the gist with a 6 sided die
Capital Surplus
After your turn if you own at least one capital city (we played classic map) roll one die, a result of 3 or less will earn you one piece off the chart. If you want to risk that piece then you can go for the upgrade. Roll one die, if you get a 2 or less then you get the upgrade! Choose any piece on the upgrade chart and place the unit(s) in your capital at the end of your turn. If you miss the roll then you forfeit the piece you just won.
Regular Chart
1–4 Inf
2–2 Tanks
4–Sub or Transport
5-- 6 IPC’s
6–CardUpgrade chart
1–8 Inf
2–4 tanks
4–Carrier or Battleship
5–12 IPC’s
6–2 cardsI made an accessory called the Cards of War. You could get an extra one or two with a successful Capital Surplus roll.
So those were two fundamental rules that my friends and I used to play by. So many fun games, but I haven’t rolled the dice in a few years. What do you think?
RE: Looking for the name of an old die-cut space ship game
Wow, good find….I will have to check out that site some more when I get home…
Some reviews said that it is a so so game essentially ripping off The Empire Strikes Back. Which is quite true, after reading the rules of the game. But I still have found memories of this game when I was young so I might try to get it again.
If I get it, I’ll have to bring to Aero Hobbies for a game sometime…
RE: Looking for the name of an old die-cut space ship game
I think I got it! I think it was Attack Force by TSR. I googled some of the responses from IL, and that led me to a few pages that had similar games on it. And when I saw the cover for Attack Force something clicked….but I couldn’t find any pictures of it, maybe when I get home I can do a more extensive search…but thanks IL, for getting me on the right path!
RE: Looking for the name of an old die-cut space ship game
It was many many years ago, probably in the late 70’s early 80’s….I looked at the pictures for those games and it wasn’t any of them. Thanks though.
I wish I had more info on it, but it is one of those brain nuggets I have that I think about it every so often.
This game and another die cut counter game I used to play was about the Gods. Thor was a counter, Sif, Odin, Loki, they were all counters and had fighting and defending stats on the counter. I wish I knew the name of that game as well.
Looking for the name of an old die-cut space ship game
About 20 years ago or so I used to play a space ship game with the die-cut paper counters. They are called die-cut right? Anyway, I only remember a few details about the game so please bear with me.
Each side had a certain number of ships with a small number of stats, like weapons, shields, and move. One side had a fleet of regular ships with crappy stats, but they had one ship that rocked. This ship had the best weapons, shields and movement, but it was a one of a kind ship. The other side had two different ships. One type was faster and had more shields, and the other had better weapons, but lower shields….something like that.
Basically you just deployed ships and tried to destroy the other side. It was so long ago that I used to play it, that I am probably forgetting a few points about it, but that is the general gist.
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| 6 * |The three stats were on the edges of the counter with the picture of the type of ship in the middle. I know this is a long shot, but maybe someone will remember.
My favorite house rules
Hi, just joined the website, but I have been playing A+A for a long time. My friends and I played with our own rules, but they were all even balanced for the most part. And ohhh boy did we play! Did all of you get the dreams? I swear some nights I would have these dreams like “I had three tanks, 5 guys, and 2 fighters….”, replaying these battle sequences in my dream!
We used 8 sided dice, 18 different units not counting artillery, AA gun or IC, 3 different Tech charts with 8 techs each. We had Auto buy which were free units at the star of your turn and Capital Surplus which was a roll at the end of your turn, if you get a good roll then you get a free piece. We used the Cards of War, which is a deck of cards that I made which help on offense, defense and misc situations. And of course we played on a home made map.
Before Artillery was introduced in the AA Europe Expansion I think, my friends and I had a custom piece called an Artillery that was different than the official rules when they came out. It all started with Germany…how times has an Axis player faced endless UK and American transports just carting dudes in. And how many times has there been a wall of Russian troops in Karilea? So I came up with an Artillery…which was an AA gun with a country marker under it. And it was ruled like a typical AA gun…only one per territory, one on a transport…etc. but the special thing about the Artillery was that it rolled one die for every defending unit, and hits on a roll of a one. That’s right…it cost 10 bucks and moved one space and had a range of 2 spaces. If that isn’t strong enough it could also be used to attack naval units! As long as a fighter or bomber attack the boats also, an Artillery or two (if in range) could be used as well. So if UK had 5 transports and a battleship, Germany could attack that fleet with 1 fighter and 2 artillerys. The artillerys would roll 12 dice total! Oh yeah, they only fire once per battle.
But in time the aritllerys got used and abused, we even made a new tech called Long Range Artillery to make it really crazy. Another tech we had was Gunboat Technology, which let transports holding an AA gun or an Artillery and fire then at land or air pieces. Then another tech we had was Defensive Artillery which meant if you attacked one of my properties and I had an artillery in it, then before you rolled your attack my artillery would first attack you and roll one die for each attacking unit you had. Any ones that I roll will eliminate one attacking unit. That was a pretty cool, but not very reliable tech.
I played it for years and loved it. I made many many maps, ordered countless extra units. One of the custom units we had was a Chinook. It carried one Infantry 5 spaces, it attacked at a 2 and defended at a 5, but that is using an 8 sided die. I made it by cutting the props off of the choppers (special ordered with other pieces)… then I would cut a carrier in half and trim the edges down, then I would glue the chopper blades to the top sides of the destoyer piece and make a nice Chinook with it.
So many good memories with it, I have never played the revised, updated or any other expansion, but I am putting the 50th edition one on the Xmas list for sure! Thanks for reading!
But I haven’t played it in years, and my stuff is in a storage place in New Jersey, so I don’t have access to all of my custom rules and new pieces.