Type VII U-Boat due to many kills they make.

Best posts made by F6FHellcat
M 1903-A3
Smooth. Solid to hold. Kick like beast. Second shot follow first even with kick. Hold up to abuse while on march.
Latest posts made by F6FHellcat
RE: Japan Naval Defense (WARNING: LONG)
I think you right to have United States go to Pacific in game. United States with full Pacific fleet, Japan buy no more ship, Japan lock in spend at least 18 IPC on land unit for Industrial Complex, and Japan lose 2 of 6 Fighter means good time to go Pacific.
United States start to take Islands quickly in that game even with 2 Battleship and 2 Aircraft Carrier for Japan. He only have 1 big fight with fleet before he no longer have ship force in Pacific.
United Kingdom will have much work to do. Will have to send land unit to Norway and to Algeria going back and forth each turn to hold Africa and keep Germany from focus on Russia.
I think game you describe would be fun game to play.
RE: They are rebuilding Hitlers Horton flying wing.
It look like Skunk Works have plan to follow for stealth.
RE: Star Wars Quirks
I know is old topic. Friend send me link with Star Wars Episode 1 told in 5 minutes.
RE: If US lost the battle of Midway
I think United States would have rely on long range Bomber and Submarine if Japan win at Midway.
Japan not able to attack United States direct so United States have safe zone on West Coast to build ship and attack Japan. Hawaii would be main United States outpost in Pacific, with PBY to spot and B-25 and Submarine to sink Japan ship that try to move past Midway.
Nuclear Weapon still end Pacific War in 1945 even if second Doolittle raid required to get bomb in range.
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
He was right man for job. He not Christ. He not Satan. He is a man who do great job commanding many men to defeat terrible enemy.
RE: Would the Allies lost if the USSR joined the Axis
You friend wrong about people in United States. Around 200,000,000 during World War 2. United States reach 300,000,000 last year. Only China and India have 1,000,000,000 people and it not happen until way after World War 2.
RE: Would the Allies lost if the USSR joined the Axis
If Germany not spend resource on Eastern Front, German Navy exceed United Kingdom Navy. United Kingdom starve long before 1945.
RE: North African Dominance
I see this in games. Germany problem is United States transport fleet in Sea Zone 12 not only move unit Eastern Canada to Algeria, it also can attack Southern Europe or Western Europe. This make Germany defend Western Europe and Southern Europe against landing force of 8 or more land unit and keep Germany from attacking Russia strong.
RE: Funny side stories of WWII thread
Not funny but of same type. Post war.
When France leave NATO DeGaul tell Eisenhower “I want all American forces out of France.”
Eisenhower reply “OK, but it will take a while to dig up all the bodies”I not know if true.