Hello all,
I’ve been working on creating some custom reference cards for the 1940 games. My goal was to create a single set of references that could be used for Pacific, Europe, or Global. I also wanted the cards to fit the motif of the game, so they wouldn’t stand out as obviously being an add-in. I designed these to fit on cards measuring 5"x7" or less, so that the cards would fit into the storage boxes that I use for my pieces.
So far I’ve created setup card and politics cards, which I’m intending to be two sides of the same card. I’m working on finishing up some general reference charts and national objective cards.
Here are the results of my labor so far. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/6xmoz7a93pgff/A%26A40_Reference_Cards
As you’ll see, these references should work for all three versions of the game, although it might require you to ignore information that doesn’t pertain to a particular version. Where required, I’ve explicitly annotated where information is different between versions.
My plan is to get these printed onto 5x7 cards at boardgamesmaker.com. If you’re interested, here’s the link to their custom cards: https://www.boardgamesmaker.com/print/fi-8977.html
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome. The remaining cards will follow soon.