Answered my own question by searching the AH forums (or whats left of them)
"Subs[with the same detection value] are detected as a group " straight form Axis_roll himself.
Answered my own question by searching the AH forums (or whats left of them)
"Subs[with the same detection value] are detected as a group " straight form Axis_roll himself.
I am hoping to swing a game using the AARe rules
One question I have about sub detecion:
"If at least ONE SUB Detection Roll is less than or equal to an opposing SUB’s DESTROYER-to-detect value, that SUB is considered “Detected”.
Q: Can a single DD in a single roll detect multiple subs ? or does 1 DD only detect 1 SUB?
Example: 3 enemy subs are present, 1st DD rolls successfully: are all 3 subs now “detected” or just 1 sub?
Thanks for the replies guys.
i love this game! finally the big naval clashes I have always craved…
Once we play with 10 reinforcement points +4 per island (per the FAQ)they promise to get even bigger!
Played for the first time this Xmas, and love the game!
Deploy: when you pay supplies to deploy ships early, do you pay for each vessel you wish to deploy, or do you pay once for each space you want to go to, and deploy all base vessels?
Determine possession: Do adjacent ships influence ownership?
the FAQ indicates that you add your adjacent battle ships’ land attack value to determine possession, the rules state you add the land attack values of units on the island, which implies no ships can contribute…