Hi, sorry if this question has been asked/answered already, I did try to search around a bit first and didn’t find it.
Ok, so here’s my question: Can you attack a territory with some other stuff, knock all the enemy off and either take it or not, then as a seperate combat move blitz through that (now unoccupied) territory and attack the adjacent one with your tanks?
Or a not-so-abstract example: Say I’m Germany and I have 10 tanks in Belorussia. USSR has a couple infantry in West Russia. On my turn, can I: 1.) send three or so tanks to kill those West Russians, and then 2.) send the rest on through to Moscow?
I seem to remember something about all battles in a territory taking place at the same time, and I feel like this kind of breaks that rule. But then again, the blitzing one isn’t really a battle if nobody is there from your earlier attack. I’m confused! Help!!