Thanks a lot for sharing this. They are so good to have and I think your layout is very nice. Have you make the last ones so they can be used for G40 combined
Kind regards
Thanks a lot for sharing this. They are so good to have and I think your layout is very nice. Have you make the last ones so they can be used for G40 combined
Kind regards
@General-6-Stars would you mind to share it with me as well. Thanks a lot
@CorporalClegg Thank for your reply.
Yes I did see those, but i thought I didn’t need two separate versions and I am very fond of your layout. So if you one decide to make the last 4 cards to play global, and you would like to share please let me know :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this. They are so good to have and I think your layout is very nice. Have you make the last ones so they can be used for G40 combined
Kind regards