Wish i could help you. I have 2 AA50 1 for playing 1 in shrinkwrap which ill sell in 10 years when itll be 1000 dollars probably.
In 10 years i will buy it for $1000,- just put my name on it… I start saving $8,- per month…
Wish i could help you. I have 2 AA50 1 for playing 1 in shrinkwrap which ill sell in 10 years when itll be 1000 dollars probably.
In 10 years i will buy it for $1000,- just put my name on it… I start saving $8,- per month…
Well they didn’t offer to print it in matte so i don’t know if it was possible. But that would have been a better idea i quess…
Anyway, i great creation of IL. Thanks a lot! :wink:
Well i did print a IL Map on A0 format. They put it on a foam layer. Its a bit shiny but looks great!
Was worried that the vinyl stuff would buckel after a while…
Nice! Do you have a fixed price for sending overseas? (holland?)
Our cart will give you accurate shipping quotes via UPS. It is based on the size of the package and the distance.
Ah oke, Txs… Had to go one step further i quess.
Done! One more European :lol:
I think there’s a real trap that A&A game designs can fall into, when trying to represent historical situations. Alot of situations could have worked out differently had the commanders on the ground had the bridseye view we get in the game, they could have bettered exploited a situation. So, Malta is represented as it was in 1940, and only and total dolt of an Italian commander wouldnt take advantage of the situation, cause he can clearly see what Britian has, which the real life commanders couldnt,
Its tricky, trying to represent history while keeping the game fun and balanced.
I Agree totally with you. If you want to play the game more realistic, you should also get rid of the dice. Think the impact of dice is really big. I’m a high roller……Not good in A&A… Some friends favour to play against me, because of it, damn-it…
Nice! Do you have a fixed price for sending overseas? (holland?)
I have a factory that is willing to do the pieces project for us. I will be making an announcement this weekend once I have all the details ready.
It’s going to be good…… I promise!
Can’t wait! BTW its almost weekend here… 1642LT
Got a nice deal in Holland… €150,- for AAP1940 and AAE1940. So €75 each i.s.o. €99,- each.
Still have to be delivered though…
Refresh on my old windows computer….