@slip-capone At the moment, I’m going with a set number of turns (I’m thinking 12-15 tops), with each turn being roughly equal to 6 months of real time. I may tinker around with Victory Points, where each space sector and certain planets would be worth points. I’ll play around with it a bit. I’ve got to did out some of my old starship minis from storage and I also need to work up a map to play all of this out on.
Best posts made by dsumner
RE: Sci-fi themed A&A like games?
Preview of the GW1936v4 Map
Here’s a few preview pics of the new GW36v4 map.
RE: House Rules?
These are just a few ideas I’ve been kicking around, mainly because I want to use some of the new 3D print minis they have and they add a few more options to the game:
Light Infantry - A1, D3, M1, Cost 2 - Move 3 during Strategic Movement
Marines - A2/(3), D4, M1, Cost 4 - Attack on 3 during Amphib Assault, Move 3 during Strategic Movement
Militia - A0, D2, M(1), Cost 1 - Can only be raised in a Faction’s home country, move of “1”, but only in Faction’s home countryVEHICLE CLASS UNITS
Mechanized Infantry - A5, D5, M2, Cost 5 - May Blitz, TS “1” (Land Units)
Stryker - A4, D4, M2, Cost 4 - May BlitzARTILLERY CLASS UNITS
Artillery - A4, D3, M1, Cost 4 - +1 Attack
Advanced Artillery - A5, D3, M1, Cost 5 - TS “1” (Land Units), May Use Advanced Munitions for +1 IPP
Self-Propelled Artillery - A4, D3, M2, Cost 5 -
Advanced Self-Propelled Artillery - A4, D3, M2, Cost 6 - TS “1” (Land Units), May Use Advanced Munitions for +1IPPADVANCED MUNITIONS
Cluster - Double Infantry casualties, First Strike (Infantry Units)
Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) - +1 Attack, First Strike, TS “3” (Land Units)I’m tinkering with Missile Artillery, High-Speed Transports, using drones for ASW, using nukes to disrupt Strategic Movement, Combined Arms Attacks, plus some other stuff like Insurgents as well as targeted tech research, and some additional Tech advances (Next Gen Attack Helicopters, Satellite Recon, a “Dirty Bomb”, Advanced Command and Control, Enhanced Air Defense, Anti-Drone Technology, and Bio-Weapons).
I also want to add Strategic Bombers and Cruisers, but need to figure out costs for them and how bombing would work.
RE: Sci-fi themed A&A like games?
I’ve got some free time this week, so I’ll be fleshing out a few more details for this, and starting to work on a unit table listing out the cost of each unit, attack, defense, movement, special abilities, and I’m going to tinker around with adding an electronics rating to units. The way I see it working is you couldn’t attack a unit unless you’re able to detect it. Higher electronic ratings allow you to detect enemy units or keep you from being detected. I’ll post more on it as I get this stuff worked out.
What other games are you playing?
Just out of curiosity, what other games are you guys currently playing?
RE: House Rules?
@schmidty1701 I’ve adjusted the cost of all of the Artillery class units upwards, but I can’t edit the original post, so I’ll post an update later. I’m also messing around with putting this all into a PDF for download.
RE: Sci-fi themed A&A like games?
At the moment, and this could all change as I’m just now starting to tinker with this stuff, I’m thinking 4-6 factions. The map would represent an area of the galaxy explored by Humans. Each territory would be an area of space or a planetary system. Each planetary system would be worth a set IPP depending on what resources they had. Each would also get a “Planetary Defense Value” representing that it’s protected by planetary defense batteries (Ion Cannons, Lasers, defense drones, etc.), or they’d have large anti-ship missiles that could engage ships in orbit if they got to close. The smaller stuff could be used to shoot down fighter craft in near orbit, or if it entered the atmosphere.
Ground Units would include: Infantry, Marines, Planetary Defense Forces (Militia), Grav Tanks, Fire Support Vehicles, and Ortillery (Orbital Artillery). They’d actually land on a planet and conduct ground combat to seize it.
Fighter type space craft would include: Fighters, Heavy Fighters, Strike Fighters, and Drones. Fighters would be able to engage other fighters in space superiority combat (They’d have to gain “Space Superiority” before an Orbital Assault could be launched), proving support to Marine units making orbital assaults, close air support to ground units.
Spacecraft would include: Orbital Assault Ships (carrying Marines), Orbital Transports, Heavy Transports, Light Cruisers, Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Battle Cruisers, Escort Carriers, AKA: Drone Carriers (carrying a Drones), Carriers, and Fire Support Vessels (basically space faring “Arsenal Ship” with large load of surface bombardment missiles. the various cruisers and the FSV would be capable of conducting surface/planetary bombardment.
Ships could blockade planets (basically starving them into submission), lay minefields in orbit, to engage in combat with blockade runners.
Other units would include Space Stations, Space Docks, and Planetary Defense Stations.
As I’ve said, I’m just now starting to tinker with this stuff, but I’ll post more as I work out the details.
RE: House Rules?
A few more ideas I want to try out.
Close Air Support - When Fighters or Attack Helicopters are paired with Ground Units (Infantry, MBTs, etc.) they provide a +1 Attack bonus to those units.
Combined Arms Attacks - When at least one MBT, Infantry, (and Artillery if you’re using it) and Air Unit (Attack Helicopter or Fighter) are paired, the attacking units receive a +2 Attack bonus.
Attacking Cities - Land Units located in with also has a City located in it receive a +1 Defense Bonus. For an additional 3 IPP, the city can be “Fortified” against a ground attack, granting +2 Defense bonus.
I’m also working out a few more Tech Developments - Next Gen Attack Helicopters, Improved Air Defense (Russia & China), Anti-Drone Tech (US & NATO) - It’d allow you to cancel out the bonus drones grant attacking units, a “Dirty Bomb” for the Caliphate (basically it’s an ADM, but it irradiates the area its detonated in causing IPP damage, Improved Command & Control (Western powers), it’d give them +1 Attack or Defense bonus, and Satellite Recon, (Everyone but the Caliphate), It’d give you a +2 Attack bonus on the first round of combat for the rest of the game, and Electromagnetic Pulse EMP) Weapon (Everyone but the Caliphate), for 3 IPP you could launch a nuclear cruise missile that detonates over an enemy territory. Any units in the territory would be at -2 to attack or defend for the next turn, unless they roll a “2”, and Hardened Defenses (you’re units, facilities, etc. are “hardened” against EMPs, and defend against it on a “5”.
Hows this stuff sound?
RE: Sci-fi themed A&A like games?
Each of the units will have its own distinct abilities. For example Interceptors are there to intercept other fighters, and get First Strike on the first round of combat against them. Strike Fighters would provide ground units with a +1 Attack bonus when paired with them. Recon drones would grant +1 Attack bonus during the next turn, etc. -
RE: House Rules?
I reworked some of the Advanced Artillery Munitions, along with the various Artillery Units. I also have some draft rules for various types of aircraft (Electronic Warfare, Wild Weasel, Forward Air Controllers, and several types of Drones). I’m playing around with ideas for Specialized Ordnance (Napalm - First Strike and double Infantry Casualties), Cluster Bombs (2 attacks @ “3” vs. Land Units), and Guided Bombs (Smart Munitions, they’d grant a +1 Attack Bonus, and TS “3”). I’ve also got ideas for using Combat Engineers. I’ll post more detail on on of this, along with a revised list of cost and stats for the various Artillery Units this weekend. If any of you guys are using, or have used, any of this stuff in your games, let me know. I’d really like to hear how they’re working out for you.
Latest posts made by dsumner
House Rules/Expansion
After much delay on my part, I’ve finally put together a set of house rules. If anyone wants to take a look at them, holler, and I’ll shoot you a copy.
Just out of curiosity, who here has been keeping track of the stuff being dropped for GW85?
Global War 2025: Meltdown 2.0
The 2.0 rules are available for download.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hym6fokmq5u443z8o9dh1/GW2025_Meltdown_Rules_v2.0_20230913.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1maBxJZVKpR8DxDdGfPmzcM-iJjHWAaWmwltIQnzLSmOE27pLWYu4b2M4&rlkey=ofwpn4rmek5ysbxsn3gvbn6w3&dl=0 -
RE: Strategies?
Well I gave this a shot and it started of working out well, but then the dice gods turned against me. I think that if the game had gone a little longer, it would have evened out a bit more. I’m hoping to run another game soon and give it another shot to see how it works out this time.
Global War 36v4 shipping date
Okay folks, a bit of good news Global War 1936v4 maps start shipping next week. There’s also a link for a list of suggested parts/pieces that you can download here - https://www.historicalboardgaming.com/assets/images/HBG Games/Global Games/1936v4/Global War 36 v 4 Recommended Parts List (2).pdf
RE: Sci-fi themed A&A like games?
Not really, I’ve been busy with work and some paid gaming work, so I haven’t had much time to work on it. If things aren’t crazy the next few days, I’m going to tinker around with it, as I’ve got a few ideas and I’ll probably start putting together a unit chart and listing out any special abilities each unit has. I’ve also got some ideas for the “fluff/back story” for the game. Once I get stuff down, I’ll post some of it for you guys to read over. When I do, comments are welcomed. -
RE: House Rules?
It’s been a while, but I’ve got a couple of ideas I’d like someone other than me to try out and see how they work for you. 1) Increase the attack for Cruise Missiles to a “5”. 2) Decrease the move on Attack Helicopters to “3”. 3) Increase the range on Drones to a “3”, and a “4” for Improved Drones. 4) Allow Fighters to scramble into adjacent Land Zones from Airbases.
If you guys try this stuff out, please let me know how it works out for you.
RE: Preview of the GW1936v4 Map
For those of you who might be interested, here’s a video, courtesy of the Hilltop Pillbox, showing the differences between the GW36v3 map and the GW36v4 map, and a few other details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54TX15lwZ3w
RE: Preview of the GW1936v4 Map
You mentioned what you dislike about them, what do you think are the “good” points?
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