@eisenhower I’m sorry but I would have to disagree with you in the hitler could have never won part. Germany was in a good position Untill early 1943 and even then if they won at the battle of Kursk which was possible, Then that would have halted the soviets for a good five months, which would have allowed for hitlers plan of entrenchment in the Soviet front to Carry out. This would allow for hitler to possibly sue for peace with the soviets since the conflict would have lasted much much longer. And for the western front it could have been possible for hitlers army to not be tricked into thinking that the landing was going to happen somewhere else thus allowing for the units to be evenly spread out throughout the coast. And d day was almost a fail due to the weather. And if hitlers army generals in Normandy were not drunk on the night of a the 6th then They would have been able to catch on to the invasion a lot faster. But to simplify it, it was just dumb mistakes that was the downfall of Germany.