Being a fan of LEGO toys, I came up with a design for types of Industrial Complexes. Hope it’s all right to share here. ;-)
Being a fan of LEGO toys, I came up with a design for types of Industrial Complexes. Hope it’s all right to share here. ;-)
I came up with a cute little model in LEGO, for a tiny tank. Here are some tanks in the various colors for 1940 Global, for your amusement.
It is my opinion that the control marker for Holland/Belgium should actually be the Dutch control marker, instead of Germany’s. Germany still starts the game controlling this territory. But I do not believe it is proper for Germany to be able to build a MAJOR industrial complex there. Also, I believe this territory should be treated as a formerly-neutral territory (so that it is never “liberated” to Germany).
Has this been covered in an errata? If so, I did not find this. IF it was covered in a previous errata, could someone please post a link to that source?
In any case, I’d appreciate your thoughts on this idea.
Thank you.
I’ve uploaded the list of house rules I’ve come up with here:
I’d appreciate your thoughts on these.
I’m currently running a (test) game using these house rules (using my “Turn Order, Version 2”), taking several days to think about each team’s decisions. So far, it’s just England (and what little remains of France’s fleet) against the Nazis and the Fascists in the European theater, with only China fighting against Japan in Asia, with America and the Soviets still on the sidelines. I’m currently writing up Turn 3 for the Allies. I’m keeping detailed reports of each team’s turn. When I get to a stopping point (i.e. when I think my scenario has played out to a good background for an alternate timeline setting for one of my RPG campaigns), I’d be happy to share these write-ups, if any of you are interested.
Using black for the “tread” doesn’t quite work, as you can see, because of the bracket piece(s) that connect to them.
Also, I was deliberately using a monochromatic color scheme, as a “hat tip” to the game.
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I need some advice, please, on acquiring better tokens or markers for the Industrial Complexes in the 1940s Global game sets.
I found this potential 3rd-part product:
However, this specific product is not quite what I need or want. Since the Industrial Complexes in the games are of two types – Minor and Major – I need to have either two distinct types of tokens or else double-sided tokens (appropriately labelled).
Since I am looking for advice as to a specific product (as opposed to already knowing what product to buy), I’ve posted my topic in the “General Discussion” group (as opposed to the “Marketplace” group). I hope this is correct.
If you have any advice or suggestions on how I can get what I need, please share your thoughts with me.
Thanks in advance! :-)
If I’ve checked correctly, here is the complete list of Victory Cities:
Berlin (Europe) (Axis Capital)
Cairo (Europe)
Calcutta (Pacific)
Hong Kong (Pacific)
Honolulu (Pacific)
Leningrad (Europe)
London (Europe) (Allied Capital)
Manila (Pacific)
Moscow (Europe) (Allied Capital)
Ottowa (Europe)
Paris (Europe) (Allied Capital)
Rome (Europe) (Axis Capital)
San Francisco (Pacific)
Shanghai (Pacific)
Stalingrad (Europe)
Sydney (Pacific)
Tokyo (Pacific) (Axis Capital)
Warsaw (Europe)
Washington (Europe) (Allied Capital)
There are a total of 19 Victory Cities – 11 on the “Europe” map, plus another 8 on the “Pacific” map.
The “official” Axis victory condition requires having either any 8 Victory Cities in Europe or any 6 Victory Cities in the Pacific. This would require either a crushing victory in Europe or else a crushing victory in the Pacific.
But what about achieving modest victories in both theaters? (That is, having any 6 Victory Cities in Europe plus any 5 Victory Cities in the Pacific.) Shouldn’t that also be a “legal” victory condition?
Do the forums have some means of reporting spam posts, to flag those posts for action by the forum admins?
Awesome! ;-) Thank you!
Now, if that same site had something appropriate for Bases (Air Base; Naval Base), then I could get all of the tokens needed from just one vendor!
(Edit): Never mind – started looking, and already found several possibilities. ;-)
While tanks are more expensive, regular infantry is just too slow. For 12 IPCs, Japan has the choice between 2 tanks or 4 infantry or 3 mechanized infantry (for the sake of this argument, I am ignoring the requirement for additional factories, at the moment). For me, it just makes more sense to use mechanized infantry instead of just regular infantry as Japan’s cannon fodder on the mainland.
Using black for the “tread” doesn’t quite work, as you can see, because of the bracket piece(s) that connect to them.
Also, I was deliberately using a monochromatic color scheme, as a “hat tip” to the game.
I came up with a cute little model in LEGO, for a tiny tank. Here are some tanks in the various colors for 1940 Global, for your amusement.
I need to get some extra counters for my 1940 Global game. I need about ten to twelve of each of the following, please:
I want for these to either be actual game pieces (from a spare game set) or else virtually identical to official game tokens.
Please let me know your product availability and prices, please.
Thank you,
I’ve uploaded the list of house rules I’ve come up with here:
I’d appreciate your thoughts on these.
I’m currently running a (test) game using these house rules (using my “Turn Order, Version 2”), taking several days to think about each team’s decisions. So far, it’s just England (and what little remains of France’s fleet) against the Nazis and the Fascists in the European theater, with only China fighting against Japan in Asia, with America and the Soviets still on the sidelines. I’m currently writing up Turn 3 for the Allies. I’m keeping detailed reports of each team’s turn. When I get to a stopping point (i.e. when I think my scenario has played out to a good background for an alternate timeline setting for one of my RPG campaigns), I’d be happy to share these write-ups, if any of you are interested.
Huzzah! ^_^
What was wrong, if I may ask?
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Do the forums have some means of reporting spam posts, to flag those posts for action by the forum admins?
Well, first of all, I’d love to have had a stash of the “Union Jack” roundels, for the British Raj (i.e. UK’s eastern economy).
For my own use (and my own house rules), I’d also find it useful to have certain two-sided roundels:
On a related note, even though they aren’t round (and hence not “roundels”), I’d have liked for the factory markers to also be two-sided, with the minor factory symbol on one side, and the major factory symbol on the reverse.
Having a reverse side on the air base markers – to indicate which air bases have scrambled this turn – would have been useful.
I hope these ideas prove useful to you. I look forward to hearing what options you can provide for these ideas of mine.
Because so many of the ship types are too similar (to my admittedly weak eyesight, at least), I have decided to use some poker chips of various colors as bases for these ships. These poker chips are the same exact size and type as the white/grey, red, and green ones already included in the game.
Since we need to be able to tip the capital ships (battleships and aircraft carriers) onto their sides (to indicate when they are damaged), I don’t need to uses poker chip bases for them. That leaves the other four classes (cruisers; destroyers; subs; transports). Since I did not want for these chips to use any color that is already used by the game pieces (wither as chips or as units), that left me with purple, orange, yellow, and pink as my options.
So, I’ll be using purple for cruisers, orange for destroyers, yellow for submarines, and pink for transports.
Here is an image of the work in progress: my cruisers on purple poker-chip bases.
Thanks for tolerating my bragging about my project. ^_^