I’m new player and I have a doubt. Looking the 1941 setup, it’s seem too easy, in my opinion , for the Germany attempting England invasion at the first turn. Just a destroyer in sea and few units, if you calculate the punch is a 50/50 (considerating Germany push its units on England). I mean, with this starting situation Germany must attempt the invasion at first turn (playing before England). In our match Germany did this and it conquered London (getting its income), then U.S.A. liberate London, but next turn Germany invaded again. In this situation: England never buy and mobilizate units and Germany catchs England income…it was strange.
I played before A.A. 1914 and I consider it very balance, so it’s strange for me this situation at the first turn in a game like A.A. Maybe I did somenthing wrong during setup or about rules. I would ask your opinions about!