Hi, my name is Constanze and i am from Germany (please excuse my mistakes).
For my specialist work at school, I am investigating the question of whether parlour games can convey history using the example of A&A Europe.
My question is this:
When you play the game, how do you feel?
In my experience:
As a player for the Germans, I am very overstrained especially at the beginning. One doesn’t know where to begin. But you also have a sense of power. One is strong. The empire grows in the beginning. As an ally, it’s similar. One is confronted everywhere with a superiority and is overstrained to resist it.
Second question:
Do you think it makes strategic sense to invade the Soviet Union at the beginning of the game (as a German) and to do a D-Day Reloaded as an American/British?
It would be really great if you could answer me so that I can incorporate this subjective feeling for play.
Kind regards