@Panther it is still live. I’ll get a new link up

Deaths Head
@Deaths Head 420
Best posts made by Deaths Head 420
RE: Favorite WWII Ship
Nice pic, Adlertag. I love the Graf Zep. I wonder if she is defending her timber cargo in this Pic? :roll:
RE: Meet your new Axis & Allies Game, now with G.I. Joe
Definitely getting more then one copy.
RE: Favorite WWII Ship
o it’s not my favorite ship, I was commenting on the fact I like the pic.
Latest posts made by Deaths Head 420
Civil Axis
Come check this out!!
Strategy game based on hex maps.
Empire / city / Military building gameBrought to you by the guys who produced the first 8x4 6 player map, Global war 40/41
RE: Meet your new Axis & Allies Game, now with G.I. Joe
@mictator You are not the only one.
Finally a axis and allies game that the first 3 turns are not scripted.I really hope GI joe is a huge success. Then we could get other themed Axis board games.
AAM and WaS are Hella fun to play.
It’s down fall was the blind boosters imho. -
RE: Meet your new Axis & Allies Game, now with G.I. Joe
Definitely getting more then one copy.
RE: Global War 1940/41
Hello all.
Thank you for all the interest. Much appreciated.
Just got a new computer, last one pooped the bed in the middle of map making.
I am working on new refurbished version of this game.
I am excited at this opportunity to give this version a face lift and a make over with emphasis on keeping the game streamlined and not overly and unnecessarily complex in nature while adding new elements to the game.
After getting some actual experience at other A+A varients out there, I have been introduced to alot of good and bad ideas.
But these varients all have one thing in common. They are all overly complex with much of it unnecessary and only achieves adding unwanted extra time to play. I am a firm believer in the Keep it simple stupid (KISS) method.
With that said, stay tuned for updates.
A d12 system will be used.
Game start date will be 1939 before polish invasion and politics will be a part of the game. In fact politics and the political landscape will play a huge role in how each game unfolds. My intent is that no 2 games played will be the same.Technology will also play a major part for all the powers and may also influence the political landscape of each game.
I envision a gaming experience in which the players control the fate of their respective nations, and not necessarily follow the traditional and historical paths used by previous games or history.
The basic game mechanics will not change much, but the players freedom of choice of actions will.
RE: Grasshopper & Gargantua's 3G40 Deluxe Edition (Updated October 20th, 2018)
to try and move from the “stale G40” requires considerable amount of new and different ways of trying to rightfully represent the largest conflict in world history…
to say this took too long…well “we” all forget that it took “too long” to play G40 in the beginning…we feel very confident that when 5 players play this AND they have a decent understanding of the game - it wont take so “frickin long”
The only thing stale in g40 is the fact that Italy is basically knocked out on UK first turn.
No im not a g40 fan boy.Yes I would love to see your varient succeed. The map is to gorgeous to waste
RE: Grasshopper & Gargantua's 3G40 Deluxe Edition (Updated October 20th, 2018)
Apologies for my “brash” responses.
The rule booklets alone are daunting task
No G40 never took this long.
We had 3 very experienced players including one of your designers.
10 hrs is unnacceptable for 3 turns
Not biased towards axis? Plz explain why then axis get 3 chances at 40% success rate to gain vichy stuff yet allies only get less then 10% chance?
Y do german uboats get 2 turns of non dd interferance but allies get 0 turns?Y do axis get super units at game start but allies get 0. Sorry but Bizzy wasnt a supership!
Turn blocks as you call them is a good idea, your pairings are terrible.
Designated aircraft and ships is a uneccassary additive. Ships bombarding during ur special mission phase is beyond stupid.
Stop looking at spreadsheets and actually playtest it.
I drove 2.5hrs to play this game. What I did do was read rules all day……boring, even your fellow developer was in the books more often then not. Even your fellow developer says its to long and unneccasarily to complicated.
You wont get 5 players to stick it out long enough to be “quick”
Go back to d12 or d6 or fix ur infantry. You want to be historically accurate, then give infantry the stats they deserve, not the flaccid crap u currently have them at. You portray inf as useless cannon fodder.
Build points in factory is also beyond not smart.
RE: Grasshopper & Gargantua's 3G40 Deluxe Edition (Updated October 20th, 2018)
I came down here with an open mind and excited to try something new. Thank you for the time and effort putting this together.
This version is more work then fun.
All the extra phases and added sequences have this game bogged down. 10 fricking hrs, 3 turns down.Other then the enjoyable company, this is a Saturday I wish I could have back.
If you try to be to historical, you zap the fun out of it.
Good luck to you,
Wont be asking to play this version again anytime soon. -
RE: Grasshopper & Gargantua's 3G40 Deluxe Edition (Updated October 20th, 2018)
I personally believe you have regressed in this area.
Unless you seriously streamline this, No one will play this. Spend more time rules searching then actually playing the game.
Use the KISS method every chance you can.
Game feels very axis biased
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