Hello from Athens, Greece
My name is Nikolas and Im 45 years old. Im old time gamer from video games to board games. Last summer I bought, mainly for nostalgia reasons, the old time classic Risk in order to play with my 10 year old boy. We had and still have many fun times with this but we (I) wnated something more challenging so the obvious choice was AA. We started with the cheap version of 1941, but the delivered product had missing parts. Anyway as we both agreed that the map was a bit small, we ended up buying the Anniversary edition 2 weeks ago which is great!
We play almost every day in sessions (1-2hours), tonight is the second session of our fifth game…!
We dont use any customizations yet, but what Im looking for are the inclusion of random events. Have anyone compliled a list of random events?
One last questions. Im also looking for a compatible AA50 house rules that are proven to work well for both sides. Can anyone guide me?
Thank you and Im very pleased that I found this place.