Is Morocco/Algeria adjacent to SZ17? I am 100% convinced it is not. I just need an independent opinion.
Is Morocco/Algeria adjacent to SZ17? I am 100% convinced it is not. I just need an independent opinion.
Thanks for the clarification and quick response!
I have an issue and I haven’t found any posts on it. Any advice, opinions, or rulings would be appreciated.
I have a Japan fleet in SZ56 on the west coast of US. US mobilizes Submarines in the same Sea Zone. I believe I can move west one SZ and move back and conduct combat. That would give me the ability to retreat correct? Do I have to make the move out and back in, in order to have the retreat option, or are there any rulings on the issue?
Same issue however US mobilizes surface ships creating a hostile SZ. Can I go out and then back in to give me the opportunity to retreat? The rules on pg 14 say you can “#2 leave SZ, load units if desired, and conduct combat elsewhere” and “#3leave SZ to load units, and return to same SZ to conduct combat”. #3 does not give you the option if desired. If you follow the rules to the letter the only way to conduct combat, and have the retreat option would be moving out to load a transport then returning to conduct combat.
Continuation of question #2, If I have aircraft carriers in my fleet in SZ 56 and I choose to move only those as my option to leave the sea zone I do get the full 2 movement spaces correct?
Continuation of question #1, Japan fleet in SZ 56, US mobilizes submarines. Now my sea units are not starting in a hostile SZ, however I will be creating a hostile SZ. I still want to attack but not with my aircraft carriers. Can I attack with my fleet and still move my aircraft carriers out before combat?