I think General Hand Grenades strategy is the ultimate strategy for the UK right now. And although it has a heavy focus on the Middle East, that obviously is not the only place where he is saying to play the game. An IC in Persia, and a shuck triangle between South Africa, Cairo and Persia may take up a few IPC’s to build the infrastructure, and get the cycle going, but at the end of the day, if by round 3/4 the UK is spending 20-25IPC’s on units in that theater of war, it leaves them with another 10-15 IPC’s to bolster England defenses. And by turn 3/4, barring a late Sealion, the UK is usually in a position to starting converting its England force into an attack Europe Expeditionary Force.
The path that the Axis takes is always going to be your number one focus, over your pre-game strategy. However, using this UK strategy as a base to play your game off of, gives the UK player plenty of options to work off of as the game progresses. Be it solidifying control of Africa, closing off the Suez, backing up Calcutta, resupplying the Caucusus, or doing whatever is needed from England… all of these options are available, heck if Germany is not threatening UK territory at all you could spend a whole rounds purchase on a Indian Ocean navy and go at the Japs even.