Some thioughts:
I start from the OLD Europe Map.
Yiours has some features that seem Ahistorical …
Canada - I think there wont be that many provinces: merge Newfoundland with Quebec, Merge Manitoba and Nunavut (or whats called)
USA - I had hoped that the US is split into NewEngland, Old South and Great Plains (add NewOrleans as another VC please ;)
South America - I think Brazil should start as NEUTRAL Allies leaning…
Guyana could should be UK, but I think it will be left out.
I’d suggest to Split Argentine int 2 (Chile)
Wondering if Equador, Paraguay and Uruguay should be on the map too
North Africa looks good to me (maybe a VC to Lybia)
I do not like the look of the Congo/Nigeria area - I especially hate the SouthWest Africa “label” Its so wrong…
Another territory carved from the Sahara - Tchad
Mediterranian- another SZ splitting Corisca and added Baleares
Malta SZ splited into East and West
Create SZ splitted to North and South
Split Transjordan into Palestine and Transjordan
Split Persia to North and South
Split Dheli to Baluchistan and Bombay (instead of Dheli)
Instead Yemen better Aden (in the 40s)
Add Kuwait as UK posession NOT bordering Transjordan.
I LOVE Green Spain ;)
AUstria SHOULD CZ and Hungaryare too much in the East
Austria should be between Bavaruia and Northern Italy and not Bordering Bulgaria
Italy could be one more territory maybe
Add Bessarabia teritory- bordering Romania instead of Hungary
Instead Novgorod /(city) better Karelia(merge karelia/rename
BTW I loved the Circle treatment of the russian Cities in old AAE ;)
Yugoslavia should border Greece
I believe Vyborg should be smaller and Karelia extend to Encompass the Kola peninsula which is now falsely treated as part of Finland
Finland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania should start Neutral - Axis leaning IMHO
BTW - great job you did here