• Read J1 Gambit- US Variation first please.

    This ANZAC Variation is similar in all the combat moves  and nearly all the noncombat moves are the same except that the navy that attacks Hawaii does not attack there instead and Phil is not attacked– detailed changes:

    1sub attacks the Hawaii sea zone and takes some convoy off.
    2car stay to protect your future transports (from Phil air force)
    rest of Jap mainland navy moves to Caroline to support a J2 retake of New South Wales. (because they can retake it on ANZAC1.)
    Current Caroline navy attacks and takes NSWales instead of Phil.
    Navy southwest of Japan takes out US des and trn

    Good: May get about $50 bucks for round 2, ANZAC weakened and no builds for them, still able to cut off current Allied naval threat in the Pacific for the time being.

    Bad: US will make a lot more in this variation, Allies still have some air threats.

    Final Analysis- Need to play test it but currently I don’t like it as much as the US variation. :-)

  • If a variation happens that includes taking NSW, I suspect many folks will fly the 4 fighters to Hawaii and let the US new fleet buildup drive back into Australia.  Japan would get a lot of IPCs in this variation from their conquest of NSW, but I don’t think it will compare to the benefit to the US.  On the surface, the US gets two extra turns of +40 income.  The Japs get 10 IPCs stolen from Australia, kill two ships worth 15 IPCs, get 5 IPCs for taking an Allied Capitol, kill an ANZAC infantry, and eventually an ANZAC artillery, and gain 2 IPCs (turn 1) + 4 IPCs (turn 2) + 5 IPCs (turn 3) + 2 x 5 IPCs for holding an Allied Capitol through turn 3.  All this adds up to 54 IPCs through turn number 3.  The US gains 80 IPCs more income from this option.  The USs stuff is still in SZ 10 though.  Eventually we will learn if the position advantage of the Japanese is better than the economic advantage of the US in this case.  One thing though, with the airbase and port in Hawaii, the US can strike Japan from Hawaii in a single turn.  Will the Japanese have enough stuff to protect the home island from this threat after turn 6 or so and still have assets to finish their other objectives.  The Japanese likewise can counter from the Carolines.  This might be the whole trick to the game.  The Hawaii-Japan-Carolines triangle has to remain balanced.  If after China falls and either Calcutta or NSW falls, the triangle becomes the single balance point in the game.  If Calcutta falls, the loss of either Honolulu or NSW end it.

  • Yes, I like the idea.

    Cut the Allies in half, then finish off the western part, and build up to take Hawaii to win. Simple and nice.

    I think Japan should take planes as casualties, both in the attack and in the later defence against the NZ fighters. Take Queensland next turn, and repair the damaged Battleship and Carrier. Buy a Tank in NSW and mock up the rest of Australia. Balance the forces to protect Japan and Caroline, and just use as much as neccessary in the different campaigns.

    Take Kwa and kill the UK ships, contain Phill, make deadzones in China. East Indies can later be taken by forces build in Australia. Soon US will be left alone, and with less income than Japan. I love aggressive play, man.

  • If the ANZAC can retake it on trun one, why not just take it on turn 2. ANZACs will have more time to prepare but, the US will get 40 less IPCs and when you take NSW on turn 2 you be able hold it and you will get 15 IPCs instead of 10 for taking the capital.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    If the ANZAC can retake it on trun one, why not just take it on turn 2. ANZACs will have more time to prepare but, the US will not get 40 less IPCs and when you take NSW on turn 2 you be able hold it and you will get 15 IPCs instead of 10 for taking the capital.

    Great thinking… I would like to look into this more.  +1
    ANZAC doesn’t make much from Round 1-2.

  • @BigBadBruce:


    Current Caroline navy attacks and takes NSWales instead of Phil.

    ?!? Take NSWales with 1 inf? I don’t see anything else available and you don’t have shore bombardements… please, could you explain?

    Take the carrier planes as casualties, then the inf will survive and claim the land. Just remember to fill up the carrier again with fresh planes.

  • ooops

  • wrong- they CAN make it- Caroline has a naval and air base on it.

  • gotcha… boy these new rules are hard to get used to.

    Well I guess you could go one on one inf??? :lol:

    Not really a good use of your navy though.

    Wow, I guess the ANZAC thing is dead also- kill this thread.

    That leaves you with one other decent option- J1 Phillipine kill-  Don’t know if that is even worth it.  Best to wait then til turn 2,3 or 4.

  • Well, you can always take Queensland with the Caroline navy, and Phillipines with the Japan navy, and later move from Phill to Queensland in next turn, and then ANZAC will get in trouble.

  • If the Japanese do not take NSW in turn 1, the ANZAC folks can put their destroyer off New Guinea.  With a destroyer there, the Japanese can not reach NSW from the Carolines in a single turn.  The Japanese would have to attack the destroyer in turn 1 or do some other move to open up the sea lanes to NSW.  For these reasons, an early attack on NSW does not look very good.

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