• Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Excellent statistical breakdown! But it wasn’t required to tell Aldertag, that hia Russian Naval strategy was completely obtuse and ludicrous.

    What a poor strategy to be the focua of attention in the “Tips and Tricks” thread.

    I’d rather build an IC in Australia and spend all UK Ipc’s on Battleships. You are just as likely to suceed. Your goal obviously being, to see your opponents jaw drop and hit the floor, before they cackle in amusement at such a poor endeavour.

  • You didnt get the big picture, now did you ? AA&A is teamwork, and the russian subs dont need to kill the italian fleet just soft it up before the UK bomber come, and if the UK bomber miss, then the US bomber will follow up, man

    Who is Frog ? Well Frog is my buddy.

  • Customizer

    You are forgetting that if any Italian navy survive it will be a battleship. 1 Bomber attacking 1 battleship only has 18% chance of sinking the battleship and only a 6% chance of survival. 2 bomber against a battleship have a 70% chance of destroying the battleship. 3 bombers have a 99% chance of destroying the battleship.  So by your line of thinking UK should be required to purchase at least one bomber in conjunction with the russian sub build in order to achieve near definite success.

  • @!ACHTUNG!:

    Does anyone have any proven unorthodox strategies they want to share?

    As Ameica:
    If you have some US fleet thing going on in the South Pacific and Japan has all of her navy focused there to counter it:  Start saving as many IPC’s a turn that you can for as long as you think you can, build 1 or 2 inf on WUSA a turn (hopefully you ae doing this anyway), field a new navy with transports on the WUSA and bring it to the N. Pacific.  This can screw Japan royally.  This can rarely be done, but it is something to be aware of.

  • In 1941 if the UK are lucky enough to survive Germany’s Atlantic attacks with a transport - I would focus on Italy with the UK. Gibraltar is the allied key to the med. Reinforce it and fly your anti-shipping missions from it. With 1 inf, 1 tank, and 2 fighters it’s tempting for the Italians to attack - but will probably survive and will have brought their navy within Allied striking range.

    In this situation - I can actually imagine 2/3 Russian subs being really useful.

  • How would the odds fall with 3 subs 1 bomber?

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:

    You are forgetting that if …… has 18% chance of sinking … only a 6% chance …have a 70% chance of destroying …So by your line of thinking …to achieve near definite success.

    No sir, I aint forgetting that if. As a top ladder player, my line of thinking is, the Allies can afford poor battles in the first turns, because they have higher income than the Axis. Russia can afford losing 3 subs and a fighter and UK can afford losing two bombers in turn 1. Butt Italy can not afford losing the whole fleet in turn 1, because then Italy can never conquer Africa. Now if you play safe as the Allies and only take battles with 90 % chance of success, then you will for sure lose the game. AA50 is not like Classic. You just might be a good Axis player with your attitude, butt I guess you lose a lot of games as the Allies, now am I right ?

  • @Gargantua:

    What a poor strategy to be the focus of attention in the “Tips and Tricks” thread.

    Here we go, you just got yourself one more smite. My grand strategy this week will be to smite you tree times a day.

  • @bugoo:

    How would the odds fall with 3 subs 1 bomber?

    Now that was a depravity line of thinking. Imagine Eisenhower abort D-day 1944 because the odds was not good enough. We would all be speaking german now. If you want to win games, you need to strenghten your fighting spirit and breed more aggression. Peacekeepers dont win wars, you know that, now do you ? Butt enough talk. Now you better gimme a + karma and help me reach the magic 800 before Frog.

  • Customizer

    I rarely lose. Statistical games are won by consistently playing with the odds not against them. For the most part players should only participate in battles they can win not battles they will likely lose. Sure Italy will be crippled, but if Russia focuses on navy why hasn’t Germany mopped them up on land?

    That being said, I’m not opposed to the 4 submarine attack, I simply feel that certain preconditions must be satisfied first before the battle is worth fighting. Those preconditions are likely to pop up every three or four games. So yes it it a viable strategy, just not viable in every game. As a matter of fact I generally (but not always) favor a NIF (Neutralize Italy First) approach and intend to try the 4 submarine attack combined with an US/UK strategic bombing campaign of Italy the next time the opportunity pops up. The only question in my mind is, will the focus on Italy lead to an unstoppable Germany? I will hold my final judgment till I try it out myself.

  • @Adlertag:


    Hi Aldertag, I am a little confused about this one as in 41 set-up Russia does not have any planes to start with I believe.  :?

    You are correct as always. Russia dont start with fighters, so we need to gather some. Since a carrier cost 14 IPC and a fighter cost 10 IPC, at a total of 24 IPC, you just might cover it in your first purchase. But you still miss one fighter. So how about borrow one from UK ? Land the Egypt or Indian fighter on your russian carrier. I say, you do land your Indian fighter on the US carrier at Hawaii now and then, so why not try to land it on the russian carrier for a change ? Or UK get long range tech and fly a fighter from UK to the carrier. Or you play russia with a bid, just big enough to cover a carrier with two figs. There are so many ways. I bet you dont win many games, now do you ? I mean, with your attitude. Wow. People mail me every day, and ask, Adlertag please teach me how to win. And I tell them

    I am not sure what attitude you are refering to as I simply wanted a little clarififcation on your interesting idea, and I did not think you would mind since you are suggesting it. No offense was meant.

    Actually I rarely lose and have been playing Axis & Allies since the first one came out 25 years ago and do not need anyone’s help when it comes to kicking ass as the Axis or the Allies in any of the versions. I am actually a little older then you might think.

    My trick is to always take out the enemy’s attack pieces wherever possible and always leave my attack pieces properly protected. I try to eliminate as many or all possible counter attacks so as to always control the play. That in combination with exchanging cheap pieces for expensive pieces always seems to lead to victory. That is my one trick that never fails.

    I will try the 4 subs next time I play Russia and let you know how it goes.

    I will send you a couple of + karmas when I get to 100 posts next week. :-D

  • @Adlertag:


    Does this strat diminish the Russian front against the Germans? Where they able to take advantage?

    This game is all about balance. The Allied nr 1 priority is to sink the Italian fleet in order to protect the African income. It dont matter who sink this fleet, as long as it hit the bottom. Now if Russia sink it with cheap subs in turn 2, then UK will save the expensive bombers and use her resources to pressure Germany up north. So you see, the Huns are not able to take advantage of a Russian all naval build, because the brits will harass them.

    +1 as promised.

  • tanks

  • +1 karma Adlertag and to everyone here, I’ll get you up to 800 by Christmas!  Think of it as my Christmas gift to you!

    +1 to everyone 10/08/09

    +1 to everyone 10/08/09

    +1 to everyone 10/09/09

  • @Adlertag:


    one more +1 to help your 800 quest. :-)

  • @Adlertag:


    What a poor strategy to be the focus of attention in the “Tips and Tricks” thread.

    Here we go, you just got yourself one more smite. My grand strategy this week will be to smite you tree times a day.

    Don’t let it get to you, Gargantua, this cat is thin-skinned…  I’ve been called an Islamic fundamentalist by agreeing with this clown.  Seriously.

    -1 smite to Aldertag, just because I can, and +1 karma for Gargantua, for pointing out the obvious…

    RUSSIA IS IN EVEN WORSE STRAITS AGAINST GERMANY IN THE 1942 SETUP THAN IN 1941!!!  How in HELL do you expect Russia to survive an all sub R1 buy if there’s no more land units forthcoming?  You have Ger units in range of the capital from two nearby zones and they are also an ace away from grabbing not 1 but BOTH of their 3rd NO territories!

    The fundamental flaw in your strategy is that the med fleet is OPTIONAL for Italy… It can be simply a DISTRACTION for the Allies to waste IPCs on, and gain little to no income in North Africa while the Axis finish off Russia between Italy and Germany.

    Who bases their opinions in a board game forum on the amount of karma they have anyway?

  • Also, trying both of these suggested "tips and tricks"strategies; the “Red October” AND the “Persian Plunge” TOGETHER is a recipe for suicide with the Allies in a '42 game.

    Use of Red October guarantees that the Persian Plunge UK IC build in persia will NOT be receiving the promised 4 inf from the Causcasus as backup, as all 4 subs use up the production necessary in the Caus the first round, and the forthcoming rounds will have so many German units threatening Moscow that moving inf away from Caus seems chancing the Russian capital (and the game).

    Attempt these strategies at your own risk.  Either/Or would be better than trying them in conjunction.

  • I could see the “Persian Plunge” as working some of the time. What it has going for it are that as the U.K., you will get to see a couple of axis turns before you start the strategy.  If it seems viable, then go for it.  I don’t know how often it would work, but I like the dual purpose of stopping Japan and giving the U.K. a chance of retaking Egypt at some point in the game.

  • RUSSIA IS IN EVEN WORSE STRAITS AGAINST GERMANY IN THE 1942 SETUP THAN IN 1941!!!  How in HELL do you expect Russia to survive an all sub R1 buy if there’s no more land units forthcoming?  You have Ger units in range of the capital from two nearby zones and they are also an ace away from grabbing not 1 but BOTH of their 3rd NO territories!

    The fundamental flaw in your strategy is that the med fleet is OPTIONAL for Italy… It can be simply a DISTRACTION for the Allies to waste IPCs on, and gain little to no income in North Africa while the Axis finish off Russia between Italy and Germany.

    German units in range are not a problem at all, actually.  Russia can easily pound Belorussia and East Ukraine with starting units and would not need to purchase any land units to protect itself in G1.
    That said, I’d rather spend 20-25 IPC’s on tech than plunge it into the Black Sea, of all places.  It’s really irrelevant to me anyway, because I always play with the Dardanelles closed.  I guess that carrier in the Black Sea could help with future amphibious invasions on Bulgaria  :lol:

  • The only comment I have about Russia on this idea is that they do not have any attack pieces at the start (41) and only just infantry which makes it hard to lunch attacks with Russia right away. That is why my normal game usually involves buying tanks and infantry right away for several rounds and eventually try to get a plane or two as well. This builds your attack force while trying to keep hold of your countries and allows for eventual counter asssault against Germany. This is a proven method to me as I have managed to hang on and turn things around before in a couple of games as Russia in 41. It is not that exicitng of a strategy as it is a more reserved defensive game, but that is the way I always felt Russia should be played. Personnal opinion.

    But… I am always open to new strategies, even if they are a little different.

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