Ok, so we NEVER get to see this in our regular Axis games… It’s impossible for Germany to invade England round 2 with ANY build that the UK player can’t see coming a mile away. Just too easy to counter with UK’s starting IPCs. But this isn’t historically accurate.
In fact it is very historically accurate. In 1940 the Luftwaffe would at best have been able to gain air supremacy over parts of Britain and only for a certain period of time. About half of the RAF was out of Luftwaffes range, the British could produce aircraft and train pilots at a rate the Germans could not, the British had lots of pilots that could be retrained to fighter pilots, the British had superior air combat management with radar and by the time Luftwaffe switched to bombing London, Fighter Command was stronger than they had been in the beginning of the Battle of Britain (about 50% more fighters). Also, the Luftwaffe pilots suffered from battle fatigue (kanalenkrankheit), and the “breather” that RAF got from Luftwaffe switching to bombing London also gave the Luftwaffe a much needed “breather”, and also the autumn weather was coming.
The Germans had fighters with short range (external fuel tanks could have improved it, but not much) and this meant they needed more aircraft over Britain than the British, who hade longer operational range due to being “at home”. Also, Luftwaffe pilots who where shot down over Britain did not come back to fight again.
Moreover, it was not enough to gain air supremacy, the Germans also needed to defeat the Royal Navy. By the time the Luftwaffe switched to bombing London, the Germans had about one week to defeat the RAF, defeat the Royal Navy, gather an invasion fleet (wich would consist mostly of barges and the like), produce and test doctrines for amphibious invasion and conduct the landings, before the weather worsened.
A German invasion of Britain was a naive dream. The Luftwaffe’s inability to defeat the RAF (they were never even close), combined with the tremendous superiority of the Royal Navy over the sad Kriegsmarine, and the Heer’s non existing capacity to land troops in England and support them, meant that Unternehmen Seelöwe was never possible in reality. This was also the view of the OKW.
But that’s reality. A&A is a game, and it is supposed to be fun. Conducting Operation Seelöwe is fun, especially if you succed, therefore it should be possible (although difficult as hell) in the game.