• A few things to the last version of the map:

    Low Countries should be Neutral/allied Leaning as Germany attacked them and France during the same time.

    Crete is still Greek owned in 1940 (not UK)

    Aden should be UK Posession

    Southwest Africa - wrong better call it Cameroon

    IraQ - not UK posession in 1940 - they were independent and fought a war against the Brits AFTER the fall of France

    Falklands are located wrong (its Fireland IIRC)

    Argentine Axis leaning - OK maybe, but giving them Chile and Paraguay too ?

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    actually the most commonly spoken language in france today is arabic, and not french.

    Come on, you cannot say that serioulsy!  :lol: And well, at least here in Spain we the people don’t have a idea of speak arab. Maybe Covadonga did the job?  :-D

  • low countries cant be neutral…game takes place AFTER Dunkirk….so obviously germany had already gone through the low countries

    Southwest africa - that is one of the names larry used for one of the british territories in a list of all british african territories

    my mistake with the falklands

  • @Brain:

    Yeah like french fries. :lol:

    those are Belgian!

  • @i:


    larry is keeping pretty tight lipped on this

    you forgot about canada!!! :x :cry:
    why did you do that
    again i say canada is the best country on earth!!! :-)

    Only because you have such a good neighbor. :-D

  • @i:




    larry is keeping pretty tight lipped on this

    you forgot about canada!!! :x :cry:
    why did you do that
    again i say canada is the best country on earth!!! :-)

    Only because you have such a good neighbor. :-D

    whos that BD

    Why the United States of course.

  • @Brain:





    larry is keeping pretty tight lipped on this

    you forgot about canada!!! :x :cry:
    why did you do that
    again i say canada is the best country on earth!!! :-)

    Only because you have such a good neighbor. :-D

    whos that BD

    Why the United States of course.

    :-o :-o I thought you meant France! :-o :-o

  • Microsoft and Intel

  • weve made pretty much everything else

  • @i:

    hey the last two post disiperd mabe the posters died :-o :roll: :?

    Maybe their posts were removed by our moderator.

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