• I figure there are only three posibilities for all those people who say that Germany always wins.

    1. You are a liar and cant think of anything to right so you make up BS stories to provoke people.

    2)The people playing US and UK suck and dont know how to play, and the man playing russia lacks the common sence to run like hell.

    1. You dont fully understand every rule and need to go back and read the book cover to cover. I see post talking about how Germany always wins because their subs get to submerge before being fired upon. Then one guy asks if subs can attack land.

  • That was quite harsh, especially considering it came frm a person who wrote “The 2 Possibilities” as the title of his thread when he listed three possibilities. I don’t mean to offend you, but that post was very harsh.

  • goes and pouts in the corner bc he was mean make the bad man go away :( ,

    jk :D well im #4, just bc im that good so :P

  • @EmuGod:

    …considering it came frm a person who wrote “The 2 Possibilities” as the title of his thread when he listed three possibilities. …

    that could have been me :)

  • that post was very harsh, the people could have only played one game

  • thats bullshit.
    I play with a player better than me. I have only lost once as the Axis. I’m not lying. First of all, by the time America enters the war Russia is usually out of it (so the U.S. person cant suck that much). I have read every rule, and the other player, trust me, the allies is super hard to win as, ive only won once against an equal/better player.

  • The Germans have a large advantage in Axis and Allies Europe. The key is the build a lot of bombers. If you bomb Russia every turn, with 4 bombers, you can effectively completely shut down all Russian production. To keep the bombers from being shot down, always send a fighter escort (to take AA gun hits, can be sent even if no Allied fighters present in zone).

    I see bids of 20+ in favor of the Germans sometimes. I can win much more reliably with the germans than with the Allies (part of the reason I don’t like the game much).

  • ""If you bomb Russia every turn, with 4 bombers, you can effectively completely shut down all Russian production. To keep the bombers from being shot down, always send a fighter escort (to take AA gun hits, can be sent even if no Allied fighters present in zone). “”

    Are you speaking of SBR or just plain annihilating forces in the field?

  • @Drumstix:


    is there no cessoring

  • @GeZe:



    is there no cessoring

    well yeah,
    but this is a tough call . . . it’s more a part of the common vernacular . . . i think this kind of a call is up to Yanny . . . i think i use similar terms, so i’d be a hypocrite right now to censor this.

  • oh sorry. i thought that’d get censored. :( :oops:

  • no, the forum should aotumaticly censere it

  • No honestly i thought they would censor that, I apologize for swearing.

  • its OK

  • thanks

  • by no means an expert at A&AE - i’ve only played 3 times, w/ Mr. Ghoul, but at the same time, i think i’ve learned a little about gaming over the years, and the teams seem pretty equal. I can see where with good gamesmanship and a little luck one can win with both. The games Mr. Ghoul and i played were pretty equal, and mostly came down to a few battles of shear luck and the odd dumb mistake.

  • The game is far more even then the original.
    Germany can actually buy something other than men.
    They can even buy Navy and its not a waste.

    I’d say CC is a very sound player, few errors and is tough to beat.
    I, on the other hand, “shoot from the hip” and “change on the fly”(you hockey fans know what I mean) :wink:
    Most of the time I end up shooting myself in the crotch.

    CC has won the last two games we have played. I don’t remember who won the first?

    Go Jets Go
    Go Jets Go

  • Yeah, i think you have unpredicibility going for you - makes for an interesting game, that’s for sure. Plus your strategic zeal adds quite a bit. Also I’ve been thinking about your “buying navy” strategies, and i want to try playing the Axis against you again . . .
    (and thank you).

  • But of course, for being unpredidictable, you shouldn’t buy anything the first round, and then pop up with a huge force of whatever.

  • i did that with Britain. I think that with Britain you can do that nearly every other round . . . .

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