• just out of curiosity, how many IPC’s would you generally spend on Tech roles in a game, and is that spread out over many turns or in one or two lump sum payments?

    also, how often do you actually acheive a tech?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It depends on the situation.

    For instance, in my game with U505, I spent 30 IPC for the really good chance of getting LRA for Japan which would have allowed me to take Moscow a round early (and thus recoup almost the entire cost of the tech).  Japan had 4 of the technologies on that chart already, so rolling a 6 would have been a 50/50 shot at the technology.

    In other games, I just have 1 researcher for my country because I had the cash and figured it was round 1 or 2 and I had at least 6 rounds to go so odds were I would get something eventually.

    In still other games, I go tech heavy to over come the techs of my opponents which sometimes cost me 20 ipc (usually) sometimes 30 if I want really good odds and I have a lot of money (ie my game with A44 where America is earning 80 IPC +  a round but cannot get a fleet in the water because Japan has Long Range Heavy Bombers.)

  • Jen, where is that game with A44 and the LR bombers. I wanna see that!

  • My brothers and cousins only managed two games of the anniversary edition so far.  As the U.S., both times, I usually dedicate 5 IPCs a turn for tech.  If I were Germany or Japan and playing with N.O.'s and making upwards of 40 IPCs I would probably buy one a turn.  Of course if I desperately need to purchase something and can’t squeeze it with the tech buy, I guess I’d drop the tech.

    Its nice if you buy a tech roll once, because even if you don’t get it, or spend more IPCs to buy another die, you can always roll that one you bought previously.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Jen, where is that game with A44 and the LR bombers. I wanna see that!


    That’s one of them, and quite frankly, the weirdest game I have ever played!

    England fell on Round 6 to a sucker punch.  Japan is basically out of the game now.  Italy is trying to own SE Europe.  No one wants to take Africa because it would result in America earning even more.

    Russia is probably the most powerful
    Italy second
    Germany third
    America fourth
    Japan fifth
    China sixth (Hell, China has an IC and an AA Gun!)

  • @Cmdr:

    (Hell, China has an IC and an AA Gun!)

    Then you have done something wrong  :wink:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    (Hell, China has an IC and an AA Gun!)

    Then you have done something wrong  :wink:

    I’m the allies, I think I did something right!

    Anyway, Japan had no chance really iwth America sinking it’s fleet early on, that’s why China ended up liberating the complex in Hupeh. (Actually, Russia sent 10 infantry and 9 tanks into China and liberated just about everything.)

  • i buy one in round 1, except as japan in 41 (round 2) or italy (never), then maybe more to keep up with the enemy, if they have multiple techs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’ve actually seen games where Italy has some techs.

    Advanced Artillery is a god send for Italy.  Improved Shipyards or Heavy Bombers or Jet Fighters also work out nicely as does Radar if your opponent was previously bombing you into the stone age pretty regularly.

  • Pretty much what Jenn said. It really depends on the country, the amount of money they have, what techs they have or may need, and the board situation.

    Generally I want Germany the US and Japan to have at least 2 researchers at all time. However I rarely go over 4 unless I specifically want something and have a high probability of getting it (ie. I have 4 of the other techs on that chart) or it can deliver a crippling blow if achieved. Normally with Germany I purchase researchers 2 at a time, with the US 1 at a time, and Japan really just depends on what I want. Normally I have purchases in mind for Japan and any surplus cash past this is what I use. Also Japan is probably the country I care least about getting tech with other than probably Long Range.

    I find that Italy, Russia and the UK can find the money to keep 1 researcher around and sometimes with Italy 2. I have even spent Italy’s initial 10 IPCs on researchers. Anything on chart 1 can be made to work for Italy without having to get overly creative.

    I rarely have problems getting techs because in most situations I am investing money in tech to some degree with some of my countries either Axis or Allied every turn. Again like I said I do normally cap my researchers at 4, because I feel at 4 I a very likely to get a breakthrough either that turn or the next so I will fore go the expense of additional researchers.

    I prefer playing with techs as  I feel they make the game much more dynamic and interesting. I also do not fell any 1 tech will automatically win the game for you to included the highly touted US round 1 Heavy Bombers.

  • I invest in one tech dice per turn for each of the following: UK (41), Japan (41, 42), USA (41, 42). However once a country has two techs die, I stop buying. I think you have a decent enough chance with two, and investing anymore is a waste (because you lose all tech die when anyone hits a 6).

    Then once I get a tech, I begin again, investing in one per turn until I have two.

    I really like how techs are treated in AA50. It encourages a slow investment that eventually will generate unpredictable benefits. Just like real research!

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